Chapter 6

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"JENNIE-ssi."I stopped my tracks and furrowed my eyebrows. I turned back and saw him.

"How the heck did you know my name?"I asked while he was walking his way towards me.

"Oh yeah..."He said and searched something in his pocket. "Because of this."He said and brought out a name tag- MY NAME TAG!

I snatched it from him and and rolled my eyes. "How did this get to you?"I asked and he smiled.

"You dropped that while you were delivering the foods last night."He said.

"Okay, thanks-"


"What it is now?"

"Yaaah stop being a cold ass"I scoffed at him once he said that.

"Cold ass your face."

He chuckled before answering back. "Anyways, I already know your name. So, I'm Taeyong, Lee Taeyong."

"Okay, nice to meet you, Taeyong. I gotta go, bye"I said after smiling a bit to him.

I turned back and walked my way to our classrooms. Ang just as what I have expected, girls were all staring at me and glaring. Like heck, what the fuck did I do to the all of you.

I didn't mind them, I just slipped my earphones in my ears and played a song. I bowed my head and continued walking.

"JENNIE! Jennie! Jennie!"

For goodness sake... He's here.

"What?!"I exclaimed.

"Yah! Don't be so mad at me!"

"Why wouldn't I be?! You're so annoying."I said and he pouted again. "I already told you, stop doing that cause you look like a freaking dog."I said and rolled my eyes at him.

"Let's just skip our tutoring session and please come with me."

"I'm not going with you-"

"You need to. I said you would."

"But I didn't say that I would."I said and he sighed.

"C'mon, Jennie, please... Just this once, please..."He said and acted all cute in front of me.

"Aish! Arasseo, ppali! Kaja!"I exclaimed and rolled my eyes.

"Finally!"He screamed and smiled.

"Where are we going anyways?"I asked.


"Tell me already, or else you'll be a deadass."I said and he chuckled.

"It's a secret, just wait until we get there."He said and dragged me out with him. Minutes passed by and we're still walking on the streets.

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