Chapter 19

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"GOOD morning, ms. Jennie Kim. I'm attorney Choi, I would be the one to handle your case, nice to meet you."A man introduced himself and offered a handshake. With hesitation, I took his hand and shook. I looked at Taehyung with furrowed eyebrows but in exchange, he just smiled at me.

"U-uh... Good morning too, sir. Please excuse me for a moment, I just need to talk to Taehyung."I said. I grabbed Taehyung's arm and led him to the kitchen. "Tae, what the heck is this attorney thing all about?"I reacted.

"I just wanna help you--"

"But you didn't have to do this, you've done more than enough when it comes to helping me--"

"Jen, just please accept it, okay? I don't want anything bad to happen to you, let's prove them that you're really innocent and clear out your name."He said and gave me a light smile. I sighed in exchange and just nodded. We went back to the living room. The attorney took out some papers and looked at me.

"I'll be the one to help you prove everybody else that you're innocent, so please, starting today trust me and tell me everything that happened honestly."He said and I nodded.

I took a deep breath and told everything to him. Everytime I'm reminiscing about that incident, I just can't help but get emotional, knowing that I hurt someone. I know I didn't do it on purpose but I just can't help but overthink about things.

"Hmm... Based on ms. Minatozaki's statement, she said that you attacked her and intentionally pushed her."He said and I can't help but bite my lip in annoyance. "Looks like she's turning the tables around, It will be a tough battle since she stands as the victim and also the witness."

"Also, I heard there was another witness, her name is Kim Dahyun if I'm not mistaken. There is a huge possibility that she'll use her against you, and it will be a big thing to get you in prison, so we'll need more evidence to support you."He said. I sighed and couldn't think more of what could Sana do next to me. In a sudden moment, I felt my heart getting soft, so I stood straight and stopped my tears from falling.

"I'll be sure to cooperate with you tomorrow, attorney. I don't want to end up at a place where I don't belong."I said and he nodded.

"Don't worry, Jen. Nothing's gonna happen to you as long as I'm here to help you ."

Kim Taehyung's POV

"ARE you sure you're going to be alright going alone? You know I can go there with you--"

"Tae, stop worry about me. I'm not a baby, okay?"She said and chuckled. "I can take care of myself. Besides I still need to work for myself."

"I think you're forgetting me, you have me and you know that I'm willing to help you--"She stopped me from speaking when she placed her finger on my lips.

"You've been there everytime I needed you and I've been to much of a headache. I just wanna do these things for myself."She said and smiled.

I just can't believe that she can still smile even though I know that she's having a hard time. She's such a strong girl and adore her for that.

"Tsk, should I start getting scared of you? You're smiling all alone there."She said and I just chuckled.

I messed with her hair while she hissed at me.

"Anyways, I gotta go."She bid her goodbye and left.

We parted ways and I started to drove off to Jimin hyung's condo since my family is still not back yet from our vacation.

"Yah, why are you here?"He asked once I stepped right into his house. I laid comfortably on the couch while he stared at me with annoyance.

"Cause I missed you--"

"Cut that sh*t, and tell me the truth."He said and I chuckled.

"I'm back here from Daegu but since my family isn't back yet, I wanna stay here hehe."I said and I heard Jimin hyung hissed at me.

He sat at the couch near me and looked at me like he I did something weird or something.

"You wanna ask me something, do you?"I asked and he nodded lightly. "Then ask me."I said.

"Why did you went all the way here from Daegu? Did something urgent happened?"He asked. I sat up and sighed.

"It's something about Jennie, I thought she needed me so I immediately wanted to go back here. My family actually didn't agree but it was Jennie, I couldn't stay still until I make sure she's okay."I explained and he sighed.

"Why do I feel like you like her?"


"I mean-- look at yourself, you're too concerned for her and you care so much for her."He said.

"Hyung, I promised her parents that I'll take care of her and that's the reason-- none other than that--"

"Are you sure?"He asked and smiled lightly. My eyebrows suddenly furrowed in confusion. "Tae, be honest with me, you know you can trust me. Do you have special feelings for Jennie?"He asked.

My thoughts suddenly became all rumbled up. I didn't know what to say or either what to react. I definitely want to answer him but what I feel isn't just clear at the moment.

Even I couldn't answer that to myself...

"I don't know... My feelings are getting mixed up. I don't know what I feel for her except the fact that I want to protect her and give the best for her."I explained and looked down on my toes.

"I know admitting or realizing those feelings isn't easy. Trust me, I know how you feel. I've been there but I'm telling you, it's easier if you admit it to yourself."He said and patted my shoulder lightly.

I looked up at him and smiled. Having Jimin hyung by my side was really comforting. He really is my best friend and he knows me too well.

"You better get some rest, I guess it's been a tiring day for you."He said and smiled.

We both stood up and went to our rooms. After washing up, I laid down on the bed and didn't realize I was already asleep.

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