Chapter 30

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"OKAY, let's go! Hurry up, don't be such a turtle and walk faster."Irene started nagging again for the hundredth time today.

"Can't I just really pass? I mean-- is this really necessary?"I asked even before we could enter the café.

"Really? Oh well, then say goodbye to the free trip."She said while acting like it's a waste. I just sighed and started walking again with a devastated face.

As we went inside, I saw a figure of a guy. Since he's not facing us, all I can see was his back figure. I suddenly had a feeling that I know this person.

He feels familiar...

"Hey, couz! We're here."Irene called him and we stopped a but far from him, then Irene started waving. The guy turned around and my eyes squinted.

Btch, I know this person!

"Park Jimin?!"

"Jennie Kim?!"

We looked at each other with a surprised face and Irene looked at us with an 'O' shaped mouth. Her eyes were going back and forth, from me and Jimin. Her eyebrows were furrowed in confusion and so are we.

"Wait up, how did you guys know each other?"Irene asked and I sighed while Jimin started talking.

"Well, uhm... Back in college, we were kinda close since she was introduced to us by Taehyung."He said and my lips suddenly twitched by the mention of his name.

Why do I keep being affected like this?!

"Oh, I'm sorry! I shouldn't have brought him up..."Jimin apologized and I just smiled at him lightly.

"It's nice that you both know each other, I wanna go and keep chatting with you guys, but gotta go. Just make this a friendly date if you want."Irene said and just left like that.

It was just Jimin and me. We weren't awkward and just casually talk while eating. I was close with him in the past after all.

"So you're now going to blind dates, huh?"He asked with teasing smile but I stared at him blankly.

"I wouldn't have been here if Irene didn't offer something I couldn't resist."I defended for the sake of my image.

"And what's that? Got a hot cousin, that turned out to me be?"He asked and laughed by himself.

"Shut up, it has nothing to do with you. Plus, I thought you have were in a relationship with Chaeyoung before."I said expression changed and sighed.

"Things just didn't seem to work out. So, here I'm single."He said and I chuckled because he lifelessly ate his cake.

"Anyways, what do you do now?"I asked him before taking a bite of my food.

"Well, I'm now managing my dad's businesses. By the way, I heard you're now an owner of the famous fashion company."He said and I nodded.

"Yeah, things are going out better than I thought it would be."I said and smiled lightly.

Though I feel like there's still something missing...

We just continued keeping up with each other. Just talked about some fun things that happened before and some new stuff. All this time, my mouth keeps on itching to ask something but I feel really hesitant.

But the things is I couldn't hold back anymore. There's nothing wrong if I ask, right? Plus, nothing won't change if I do.

"A-anyways... I just wanna ask, do you have any news about... Taehyung?"I asked and Jimin sighed.

Maybe he doesn't...

"Me and the guys haven't really heard of him since 5 years ago. We kept on waiting and contacting him but we just can't get a chance to talk to him."He said with a disappointed tone.

Even I am disappointed. I just wanna hear if he's okay no matter where he is. The letter was the only last trace of him left to me.

I sighed and just gave a helpless smile to him. After talking for who knows how long, we decided to go home since it was already getting late. He offered me a ride home and I couldn't resist.

Once we arrived in front of my house, Jimin looked at me with a smile on his face. I did the same and stepped out of his car. Before I could leave, Jimin said something.

"Jennie,"He called me.


"Uhm... Not to get your hopes up but I just wanna say that I know Taehyung. He's not the kind of person just leave you like that. I know someday, you'll see each other again."He said and smiled. With that, he drove off.

I was left dumbfounded. My heart suddenly felt like it was gonna bounce out but it was the opposite of my brain. My mind keeps on telling me to just ignore that and continue with what I got now.

I'm torn between listening to my mind or heart...

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