Chapter 3

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ONCE Taehyung and Jennie were done with their tutoring session, Jennie immediately rushed to the chicken place she works at when she saw that she's almost half an hour late. It was a good thing that there's still only a few costumers when she came.

"I'll start my shift now."She said, she went inside the kitchen and dumped her bag at the locker inside. She changed her clothes into just a denim pants and a hoodie afterwards and then she grabbed the apron. She went outside, only to be greeted by Irene.

Irene is the daughter of the owner of this chicken place but she also works here. They became close to each other that Irene felt like an older sister to her.

"So, why were you late?"She asked Jennie. Jennie started to tie her hair in a ponytail before answering.

"I needed to tutor this boy so maybe my shift will start a bit late than before."She said. Irene nodded and went at the counter with her. She put her elbow on the counter whilst her her chin was on her palm.

"So how was this boy? Is he handsome? Is he smart? Is he cute?"She asked non-stop making Jennie glare.

"You know I hate boys, right?"She hissed at her.

"Girl... Don't tell me you're--"Irene acted all dramatic that Jennie had to cut her off.

"It's not what you're thinking!"Irene chuckled at her whilst Jennie literally facepalms at her. Just then costumers started rushing in, they also started to do their work until their shifts are over and the restaurant has to close.

"Ah! I'm so tired! Today has a lot of costumers than the other days..."Irene said and slumped down on an empty chair. Jennie walked and slumped down beside her too.

"Shit. My back hurts."She said and closed her eyes. Both of them were tired from their job. The restaurant was already close and it was time for them to clean up and go. They stood up and started cleaning so that they can already go home.

Once they were done, Irene went out from the comfort room and she already changed her clothes.

"Yah, Jennie. Aren't you going to change your clothes? You're gonna get sick!"She said and Jennie shook her head.

"Don't worry, I'll change at my house."She said and smiled a bit.

"Fine, just make sure you do or else I'll surely nag at you all dag long!"She said and Jennie chuckled.

"Alrighttt!"She said and grabbed her bag. "I'll get going now, bye, Irene-ah"She said and smiled before waving and leaving.

Jennie started walking at the almost empty streets. The lights were all lit up but the streets were somehow still a bit dark. She didn't mind though, she was already used to this.

She stopped at a near convenience store to grab some snacks to eat at home. She grabbed some biscuits and a milk cause she loves milk. She went to the counter and paid for it.

Once she was done, she went out and started to walk home again. While going home, she was already sipping on her milk. She stopped when she was already at the front of her apartment. She grabbed the keys from her bag and unlocked the door.

She got in and closed the door. She opened the light and just threw her bag at the couch, laying on the other couch. She felt tired and she was too lazy to even stand up. After a moment she finally went to sleep.

Jennie Kim's POV

"SWEETIE, always remember that we love you, okay?"Dad whispered with a loving smile plastered on his face.

"Dad's right... Stray strong for us."Mom said as the both of them hugged me.

Right at that moment, I felt their warm hugs but it didn't last long. They suddenly disappeared from my sight. I looked around me frantically as my tears were welling up. Everything slowly started going pitch black.

I stated crying and nothing came out from my mouth but only the words "Mom" and "Dad". Then there was nothing I could see, everything was all gone. I feel scared...

Mom, dad... I'm scared.

My eyes shut open as I was all covered up with my own sweat. I felt my own breathing getting heavy and my cheeks were wet, realizing that I cried. She sighed as she wiped off everything from her face.

"Why did they came in to my dreams again?"I whispered to myself and stood up, remembering I still have school for today.

My head started feeling heavy and it started aching. Although I didn't feel pleasant, I still need to go to school. I started getting ready but I didn't bother to eat since I wasn't in the mood to. I just hope that the day goes lightly for today, atleast just for this day...

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