Chapter 21

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Jennie Kim's POV

AM I really insane now?

Why is my heart pounding like this?

Am I still normal?

"I love you too, more than you know..."Tae said with a husky voice after our lips touched each other.

He was staring at me with his ocean like eyes-- it's like it keeps on making me feel drowning. I didn't know how to react. My body was frozen, my mouth is speechless and my mind is still processing what is happening.

"I-is this a dream? If it is, kindly wake me up..."I mumbled but Taehyung suddenly chuckled and shook his head.

"You're not dreaming, this is true, I love you, Jennie."He said and I couldn't help but smile.

After that night, Taehyung and I officially started going out. Days passed by fast and everything was going well. I was finally proven innocent but it's still not enough for Sana to leave me alone.

Everyday in school, she would suddenly show up from nowhere and as like before, she starts another fight. But it's different than before, I finally have someone to protect me. Taehyung would always get me out of the scene before anything happens.

2 years after...

"WE'VE finally graduated, we made another achievement, right?"Taehyung said while smiling. I looked back at him and smiled.

"Of course, maybe if you didn't came back, I think I couldn't survive those years."I said and hugged him.

"Don't worry, I told you that I'll be here no matter what. I don't know what might happen but trust me, I'll always find a way to you."He said and lightly patted my head.

Achieving something like this with the one you love feels so euphoric. But in every happiness I feel, there's still a part of me that's worrying. I know this is not the end yet, there's still many roads to take and those roads aren't always a smooth ride.

I just hope I won't be facing those rough roads alone...

"Let's go on a date?"Taehyung suggested and I nodded. "I just found a perfect place for us."He said and held my hand.

We walked to his car hand in hand. It was a peaceful ride. The sunset also added a relaxing feeling.

After that, we stopped in front of a café. It looks cute but it has a vintage vibe Taehyung smiled and we both walked inside.

Once we stepped inside, the aroma of coffee welcomed us. The place wasn't crowded but Tae chose to go upstairs, so I went with him. We seated parallel to each other and a waitress approached us.

She gave us the menu. After a few minutes we agreed on what we're gonna eat. The waitress got our orders and told us to wait for a few minutes.

Taehyung stood up and grabbed my hand. He walked at the corner of the café where there is a lot of vintage looking box with locks and stationary papers. It looks so cute.

"Wanna have that?"He asked.

"Well, what's that for?"

"That box keeps the things that reminds us of our memories together and on that paper, we could write the things that we want to do together."He said and I smiled.

"Arasseo, let's get that."I said and Taehyung bought it for the both of us.

We went back to our seats and it didn't last long when our orders came. We started eating and after that we went for a walk near a park.

Walking hand in hand in these cold weather, it really makes everything feel like a dream. He is a blessing and the only person that I know I can trust and rely on. He's my weakness and my strength.

Taehyung suddenly faced me and stared at me with a smile. I did the same and held his hand tightly. I would gladly hold his hand forever.

"You look so beautiful,"He said with his sweet voice and caressed my hair.  "... And all I want to do is keep you,"He said and he let go of my hand.

He reached something from his pocket and held back my hand. He flashed a smile and showed me a necklace. I was surprised and touched that I couldn't say a word.

He went behind me and placed the necklace on my neck. I saw the pendant and it was an angel's wing.

"It looks pretty,"I said and faced him once he was putting it on me. "What does it mean?"

"It means that I'll always be here to love you and protect you,"He said and I smiled.

I quickly hugged him and he hugged me back. I felt so safe in his arms that I don't want to let go again.

"I'm glad you liked it,"He said and I nodded. He leaned closer and kissed my forehead. "I love you..."

"I love you too..."

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