Jeon Jungkook

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Jeon Jungkook? Jeon?

Jieun's smile disappeared momentarily. She took a shaky breath as traumatic memories flooded her head.

The movie, the playground, the ramen... If only she hadn't insisted that time, if only she hadn't been so... so...

Jieun felt a lump form in her throat.

No, now's not the time to think about this, Lee Jieun. Focus, think about why you came here.

Jieun put on her best smile once again and walked towards the back of the class, where the empty seat was located. As she walked closer, she could see a well-built boy sitting right beside the empty seat. His hair was dyed dark brown, and looked so fluffy and smooth Jieun almost felt jealous. As he rolled his head back and opened his eyes, Jieun caught a glimpse of his face for the very first time and had to stifle a gasp.

He was unbelievably handsome.

"Ya! Jeon Jungkook, you're finally awake!" Yoojung, who was seated diagonally in front of Jungkook and had been watching him closely all this while, slammed her fist on Jungkook's table. Jieun was so startled that she almost jumped, but Jungkook slouched back in his seat, as if this was something he experienced on a day-to-day basis. Instead, he swept his hair back with one hand, revealing his forehead. Jieun's eyes widened.

He was beautiful.

"Shut up, Choi Yoojung." Jungkook barely even took a slight glance in Yoojung's direction. "I have no time and energy to tolerate anyone's nonsense today."

Jieun gulped.

And that boy was going to be her deskmate for the rest of the semester? No way. How was she possibly going to get along with someone of such a prickly character?

"Ya!" Instead of backing away, Yoojung chuckled slightly, stood up and reached over to ruffle Jungkook's hair with her hand and Jungkook let out a sigh of slight annoyance. "Do you think I'm not used to your antics by now? I've known you since elementary school, you say this when you want attention, don't you? You cute fella."

Jungkook practically ignored Yoojung and Yoojung turned back around, taking her seat next to Yoongi once again, with her eyes curled into an adorable eye smile. That was when she spotted Jieun at the corner of her eye, and her expression brightened even more.

"Oh! Lee Jieun, right?" Yoojung literally leaped up from her chair and walked towards Jieun with the biggest smile Jieun had ever seen in her life. Grabbing on to Jieun's arm, she pulled Jieun gently towards the empty seat and gestured for her to sit down.

As Yoojung turned back around to listen to Mr Kim talk about the ethics of friendship, Jieun put down her bag and took a seat. She glanced to her left and saw Jungkook staring at her, with a blank look on his face.

"Your name is Jeon Jungkook, isn't it? Annyeong, Jungkook-ah. My name is Lee Jieun." Despite feeling her heart race against her chest, she put on a huge smile and reached out a hand.

But instead of taking it, Jungkook stared at her in silence for a couple of seconds, before turning his head away and resting his head on the table, once more, much to Jieun's shock and horror. Was she really just ignored. She lowered down her still outstretched arm slowly, feeling her cheeks flush.

"Just ignore him, Jieun." Jieun glanced back to the front and realised that Yoojung had pulled her chair closer and was now resting her chin on her table. Jieun looked into Yoojung's puppy eyes and smiled.

She was more adorable than a puppy.

"Is he always like that?" Jieun leaned over and half-whispered into Yoojung's ear.

"Um, well..." Yoojung bit her lip, hesitating slightly. She shrugged. "Well, I guess." Jieun couldn't help but notice Yoojung's facial expression darken slightly and made a mental note.

She must be hiding something.

But Yoojung went back to her usual bubbly self almost immediately and she put on an even brighter grin than before.

"Anyway, the best way to treat him is to ignore him back." Yoojung said gleefully.

But you don't ignore him. And he talked to you...

Jieun had caught herself midway.

Was she being jealous right now? Of a girl you have never met before talking to this cold guy you saw today for the very first time?

Jieun shook those thoughts away and put on a smile.

"Thank you, Yoojung. You're Yoojung, right?"

Yoojung's eyes widened and she smiled again. Jieun wondered to herself if this girl's facial muscles ever had a chance to rest.

"Oh- you remember my name!" Yoojung stretched out a hand and Jieun shook it gratefully. "Yes, I am Choi Yoojung. I like to draw, eat and dance. I'm not good at anything in particular... but I would say, I'm the cutest girl in the entire school."

Jieun let out a slight chuckle. Even as another girl, Jieun couldn't help but realise how adorable Yoojung was. Yoojung was not that drop-dead gorgeous in any way - she had plain features, a petite figure and she barely put on any make-up. But her dazzling smile, her out-going personality and her bubbliness... everything made up for it, and more. She was indeed attractive, and Jieun suddenly realised that her energy could be why Jungkook actually talked to her. Maybe she should try the same in the weeks to come.

"Yeah, you sure are." Jieun whispered and Yoojung's eyes lit up happily.

"Ah... I like you already. Let's get along well, Jieun-ah!" Yoojung held on to Jieun's hand and looked at her gratefully, her eyes twinkling with happiness. Jieun smiled back and nodded warmly.

As Yoojung dragged her chair back and turned back to face the front, slapping Yoongi awake, Jieun took a glance at her own deskmate. He was still lying on the table, his eyes closed. He was supposed to be resting, but somehow, his expression told Jieun that he was awfully troubled about something. Jieun frowned as well, as she thought of something.

How were they supposed to get along in the weeks to come?

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