The Aftermath

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Ring, ring.... Ring, ring...

It was the second phone call Jieun was receiving on a typical Sunday morning. She was absolutely not used to this, but she couldn't deny that it did feel good feeling this... high in demand. Jieun grinned, as she reached for her phone.

"Choi Yoojung", the phone read. She had traded numbers with Yoojung on the first day of school - maybe Yoojung was calling to check if she was alright. Or maybe ask about that article like Taehyung did.


"OH MY GOD, Jieun! You won't believe this!" Yoojung did not sound good at all as she shouted into the phone. Jieun couldn't tell if she was excited or angry, or both at the same time.

"Oh- hey, Yoojung! What's u-"

"Jieun..." It was now clear that Yoojung had been crying. "The worst thing just happened to me."

Oh, no. That sounded bad. "What's wrong, Yoojung? Talk to me-"

"I..." Yoojung wailed. "I... I went on a date with Jimin and-"

"You what?!"

"That's not the main point, alright?" Yoojung continued, pausing to blow her nose. "I messed up, Jieun. I- I destroyed this friendship."

First, she went on a date with Jimin, she destroyed their friendship and now she's crying like it was the end of the world? Yoojung was making no sense to Jieun.

"Wait- talk slower. Tell me in detail, Yoojung. What happened? I need to know so that I can help you..."

"Nothing's gonna work, Jieun... I messed up... I crushed his heart... I'm such a horrible person..."

"Yoojung, you have to-"

"I BROKE UP WITH JIMIN!" Yoojung bawled into the phone. "I mean- no, I didn't- we never were a thing but like- I kind of rejected him - I did, didn't I? And now he hates me, I think he no longer wants to be friends or something-"

"You rejected him?!" Jieun couldn't believe her own ears. "Wait - he confessed?!" She didn't know whether Yoojung's rejection or Jimin's confession shocked her more. She always had a feeling that Jimin had feelings for Yoojung, but never expected him to confess - afterall, he had come off as rather shy till now. As for Yoojung... she always thought the feelings were kind of there... at the very least.

"Well, technically, yeah." Yoojung sobbed. "We just met up for a short while before our project meeting so he could return some books and it's kind of like our first time going out one-on-one and like he was being so nice to me I kind of freaked out a little and I told him we could never be together and he stormed off after paying the bill and now I'm stuck in the toilet crying and I- I- I still have to see him at the meeting later... Jieun, how on earth am I gonna solve this..."

After putting the bits and pieces together, Jieun finally got the full picture. Jimin had "confessed" and Yoojung had rejected him. And she's totally regretting what she did right now because she cared about him more than she herself knew.

"Alright, Yoojung. Calm down, okay? Take a deep breath. Where are you right now? Do you want me to come down?"

There was silence over the other end.


Jieun heard Yoojung take a deep breath.

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