The Prom, Pt. 4

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"They're cute."

Jungkook looked up from his food. "Who?"

"Jimin and Yoojung," Jieun laughed.

"They obviously like each other," Jungkook said nonchalantly.

Jieun gasped. "You noticed too?"

"Only idiots won't notice," Jungkook laughed.

Taehyung was listening to them intently. You both obviously like each other too.


Taehyung snapped back to reality. "Huh?"

"You want some noodles?" Jennie asked kindly.

"No thanks," Taehyung smiled. "Um... excuse me for a second. I need to take a breather."

He stood up and left the table, wandering around the ballroom till he found the exit. He saw Jimin and Yoojung standing near the entrance, smiling as they talked-

"You guys settled your squabble already?" Taehyung called.

They turned around, and Taehyung swear he saw them holding hands. He looked again, but they weren't. He frowned, as he walked towards them. Probably a figment of his imagination.

Yoojung glared at Jimin. "No, we didn't-"

Jimin looked surprised, but then he frowned. "Yeah, I don't know why but she pisses me off today-"

"But I saw you guys-"

"Same here!" Yoojung muttered. "What a coincidence!"

"Great then!" Jimin snarled. "I'll be off!"

"Yeah, go!" Yoojung challenged.

Jimin marched off towards the ballroom, glaring at Yoojung as she followed behind him. "Why are you following me?"

"I happen to be heading in this direction as well," Yoojung rolled her eyes. "No ones following you."

"Oh, really?" Jimin glared at Yoojung. "Fine, then! Hmph!"


And the two of them disappeared behind the door. Taehyung raised his eyebrows. Those two were acting weird.

But he had his own problems.

Now, he had to focus on getting over Jieun. But how? Why was he always stuck with these one-sided crushes?

Taehyung had so much going on in his head, he didn't even know where to start. He sighed, taking a look around the hotel lobby... then he saw her. A familiar-looking silhouette sitting by the stairway, looking sad and lonely.

Taehyung approached her carefully. "Jisoo?"

Jisoo turned around. "Oh, it's you."

Taehyung hadn't spoken much to Jisoo before. But seeing her look so lonely, without Seokjin's company, she looked sad. He had held a grudge against her for being mean to Byulyi during Mr Kim's wedding day about a month ago, but Taehyung was too kind to leave her alone.

He never really liked her, but he was the kind of person who always gave people second chances, and third chances and sometimes, even fourth chances. He was that kind of nice guy.

"What are you doing here?" Taehyung frowned. "Why aren't you inside? Did you eat?"

"I've no appetite," Jisoo said, but she looked pale even under all her make-up. "It's okay, don't worry about me."

"You still should eat a little bit, shouldn't you?" Taehyung frowned, taking a closer look at her. "I haven't even realised how skinny you've gotten. Can I take a seat?"

Jisoo looked up at Taehyung for a few seconds. "I'd prefer not to-"

But Taehyung sat down anyway. "You look... worried. Are you alright?"

She was talking to her boyfriend's brother right now. His brother was whom she was having doubts about. Yes, Jisoo was having doubts about their relationship.

So much had changed ever since she had started dating him - many good things, of course - but way many more bad things had come into her life since then. However, was it really appropriate? Telling his brother about all this?

"You can tell me," Taehyung said assuringly. "Even if it's about my brother. I promise not to say anything to him."

Jisoo pursed her lips, really considering hard.

"I'm his brother," Taehyung continued. "But right now, I'm not listening to you as your boyfriend's brother, but as your friend. You can trust me."

Jisoo swallowed hard. Could she really trust him?

"Look-" Taehyung laughed. "To make you trust me, I'll tell you a secret too. We can both trade secrets, so we don't owe each other. In fact, I'll tell you my secret first. If you're happy with it, then you share your worries with me. Deal?"

What was there to lose? In fact, she was slowly being consumed by the fact she had no friends to share her problems with. Maybe, Taehyung could finally be her first. It was her boyfriend's brother, but like what he said, maybe she could just see him as... a friend.

Jisoo hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Deal."

"Ahh," Taehyung laughed. "I wasn't expecting this. Now I'm kind of nervous to say it aloud but... well, here goes."

Jisoo blinked, watching Taehyung intently.

Taehyung took a shaky breath. "I kinda have a crush on Jieun."

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