A Brand New Day, Pt. 1

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All this felt way too familiar.

Taehyung let out a bitter laugh as he trudged along the pathway. The way he was heartbroken a couple of weeks ago by Jennie, was the exact same way he felt right now.

Why did no one he fell for... like him back?

Jennie, Jieun... all the girls he had ever had a crush on- Was this list gonna go on forever, and end up as a list of all the recipients of his unrequited love?

Taehyung sighed.

His heart ached at the mere thought of it. He felt bitter, he felt sorry for himself even, he felt way worse than he felt when he had found out that he had no chance with Jennie.

Perhaps it was because Jieun meant a lot more to him. He cared way more for her than he had towards anyone else. He had forged a bond with her so strong that no one else - not even Jungkook, nor Yoojung, not even Jimin - could stand against. He liked her not only in that way, but even more as a friend, a person

She was so beautiful, both in and out and Taehyung even considered the possibility that she was the one and only girl he had ever truly loved.

Yet no tears came out.

Maybe it was because he was alone. Crying wouldn't help the situation, not when this was a problem that no one could help him with - except himself. All he needed right now was time - time away from everyone. Jieun, Jungkook, all of them.

Taehyung trudged on.



Jisoo was sobbing her eyes out like there was no tomorrow, unable to draw the curtains and face her unpredictable fate. It was then that she had undeniably heard a soft voice calling her name from behind her - it was gentle and all too familiar, a voice that Jisoo thought she'd never ever here again-

Jisoo's eyes widened as she turned around.

Standing before her very eyes were her parents - both mom and dad - completely unscathed. Well, there were a few cuts here and there, but other than all that, they were completely fine, apart from the fact that tears were rolling down her mom's cheeks, and her dad looked thoroughly shaken.

"Mom! Dad!"

Jisoo jumped to her feet, energy filling her body once more as she charged towards her parents, with tears still streaming down her cheeks. As she ran into their warm embrace, which felt distant yet all too familiar, Jisoo heaved a sigh of relief, and uttered a small "thank God".

It took Jisoo quite a while to get over how much of an emotional roller coaster she had been on in the past one hour, but as she finally regained her composure, and gathered the confidence to speak calmly once again, she spoke what first came to her mind.

"What on earth happened, mom?"

Her doubts were put on standby once more, as the nurse that had pointed her to the beds in the corner earlier, came rushing over at that very moment. Another girl, who was slightly shorter than her, with short hair, but roughly around the same age as her, followed quietly behind the nurse, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Hi, ma'am?" The nurse approached Jisoo and her parents. "I'm so, so sorry for the confusion. I mistook you for the daughter of the couple that was involved in a car accident." The nurse's eyes shifted between her and her parents, who were both drenched in their own tears, giving both of them a small nod. "My apologies once more, I hope I didn't cause too much... distress."

Jisoo was too taken aback to do anything else but nod. The nurse, who was evidently in a hurry as well, ushered the girl over to the curtains where Jisoo once knelt. And the girl, looking forlorn and absolutely heartbroken, drew the curtains without hesitation and entered.

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