The Next Morning, Pt. 4

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"Um... yeah," Byulyi didn't know where to look- at Seokjin who was now standing at the sofa opposite her... or at the ground. She eventually chose the latter. "I'm awake."

An awkward silence ensued.

"Well..." Seokjin began. Byulyi wasn't looking at him but he sure sounded as nervous as she was. "You want some hangover stew? I cooked it earlier this morning. You were pretty wasted last night."

Right... last night.

Last night, when so many things happened without her knowledge and she somehow ended up in the Kim's Residences and her ex-bestfriend, whom she had a crush on for the longest time, who was attached, had kissed her on the forehead.

Goodbye, alcohol, never again.

"Where's Taehyung? And Mr and Mrs Kim?" Byulyi completely ignored Seokjin's question.

"My mom and dad went to work," Seokjin bit his lip. "Taehyung went to meet the F5- no, F4."

They were all alone - the two of them - at home. Byulyi felt her body tense up, as she shifted her eyes to focus on a new target instead - the coffee table. "Um... why am I here again?"

"Oh, right-" Seokjin let out an awkward laugh. "Right, I forgot to explain. Last night you were so wasted, so Hoseok asked me to take you home. You know on the way you were struggling so much I almost fell over-"

"No, Seokjin-" Byulyi forced herself to look up into Seokjin's eyes. "Why am I here?"

Seokjin's expression froze momentarily, before his usual smile crept onto his face once again. "What do you mean? Well, I was struggling so much to carry you... bringing you all the way back to your home would be way too difficult, so I-"

"You shouldn't have-" Byulyi looked away, looking flustered as she recalled the image of Seokjin carrying her on his back. She kicked off her blanket and stood up. "You really shouldn't have."

"What?" Seokjin frowned. "If I didn't bring you home, who would, Byul? Who else would do such a thing for you, tell me?"

"Well, firstly there's-" Byulyi stopped short. Come to think of it, there wasn't anyone. The girls were way too weak to piggyback her home, she wasn't close to Jungkook, Jimin- "Well, there's Taehyung."

"Taehyung," Seokjin laughed mockingly. "He had his own issues last night. He wasn't gonna carry you home."

"Well-" Byulyi found herself racking her mind, trying to think of someone else who would take her home. Someone who was not Seokjin. She didn't know why she was so desperate to prove him wrong, but she just was. "I mean, Hos-" She stopped mid-sentence. There was no way Hoseok would piggyback her out of his own house back to her house and make his way home. I mean, he was a nice guy, but they weren't that close to that extent... and not to mention... the physical contact-

"There's no one, Byulyi-" Seokjin laughed, taking a seat on the sofa opposite her. "No one would carry you home the way I did."

"You still shouldn't have-" Byulyi furrowed her eyebrows. "You- I don't know, you should have left me there or something. I don't care, this is just the last thing you should have done." Byulyi inhaled sharply. "Y-you have a girlfriend, Seokjin. This is where you need to draw the line."

Seokjin blinked rapidly.

"If Jisoo finds out about this-" Byulyi looked around, spotting her jacket lying right next to her on the sofa and immediately picking it up. "She won't like it. I gotta go, Seokjin."

"What about what happened in the PE room?" Seokjin stood up, before Byulyi even had the chance to take a single step towards the door. "What about what happened between us in there, huh? Did that mean nothing to you at all?"

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