The Not-Date, Pt. 1

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Jieun left school to go home to rest, while Jungkook returned to the workroom to continue doing the project. Both groups worked till late, with Yoojung and Jennie still bickering here and there, especially after Jennie made a snark comment - "So how was your break?" - when Yoojung, Jimin and Taehyung returned from the nurse's office.

Jieun had told the people who were by her in the nurse's office to keep the whole incident to themselves as she felt embarassed. Yoojung didn't understand at all why she would feel that way, but respected her decision and kept her promise anyway, keeping her mouth shut despite however much she wanted to say it to make Jennie feel bad. She was a loyal and trustworthy friend afterall.

Jisoo's group was extremely efficient and finished the project easily within that day itself. Yoojung had found out and felt awful, but her group members told her to focus on resting and recovery.

However, due to Jennie and Yoojung's bickering in Minhyun's group, their group wasn't able to finish the group project, so Minhyun called them back the next day to continue. Despite how much they protested, saying that Sundays were rest days, Minhyun insisted, because afterall their grades were involved and the project was due Monday. Begrudgingly, the members agreed.

Thankfully, Minhyun arranged for them to meet at 3pm, because he had some "Student Leaders Investiture" in the afternoon ("Overachiever," Taehyung muttered.) so the meeting didn't clash with Yoojung and Jimin's date- I mean, "book-return-meeting-with-just-a-movie-after-that-since-they-were-already-at-the-mall not-date", as they called it.

Before they knew it, the next day arrived quickly. They had arranged to meet at 11am, so that they could grab brunch (while returning the book) and watch a movie, before heading back to school by 3pm. Yoojung got up two hours earlier at 8am, with butterflies in her stomach for some reason.

It's just a normal get-together with your friend of almost a decade, Choi Yoojung, Yoojung thought as she took deep breaths to calm her rapidly-beating heart. Just minus the rest of the people you guys usually hang out with.

But that was what made Yoojung nervous. It suddenly struck her that had never hung out with Jimin one-on-one, and this was their very first time. Calm down, Yoojung. Think. Ah, yes. First, what to wear?

Yoojung had intended to get ready all her clothes before she went to bed last night, but she was so exhausted after coming back from the meeting last night that she passed out immediately after she reached home, skipping dinner and not even washing up. That was how exhausted she was. Thankfully, she still remembered to set an alarm for this morning on the bus ride home, if not she would have felt so awful.

Yoojung scurried over to her wardrobe, picking through each outfit in there one-by-one. That's when she realised - she didn't have a nice outfit. She always wore such casual clothes... because she never felt the need to dress up for anyone.

Great job, Yoojung. Now you have a date - um, meet-up - and you're going to meet him in your PJs? Yoojung caught herself. It's just Jimin. It's not like he's never seen you in your worst state. He's seen you at your lowest - remember that time at the camping trip when you fell sick and he saw you before you washed up with snot dripping from your nose, eye boogers, a bare face, the worst bed-head and spongebob pyjamas? Nothing can beat that. Right, Yoojung. It's just Jimin, Park Jimin. Your bestfriend. Get over yourself.

Yoojung took a shower and washed up, slipped on her least sloppy-looking hoodie together with a pair of shorts, slapped on some casual make-up, grabbed her bag and headed out of the house.

Yoojung arrived early at the shopping centre where Jimin and her had agreed to meet, about 10 minutes before the agreed upon time. She was all ready to wait for Jimin since she knew she was early, but she saw a familiar silhouette leaning against a railing in the distance. "Ya! Jimin-ah!"

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