A Date?

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"Since when were you part of the F4."

Jieun went to school the next day for her group meeting. She was the first one to arrive in the classroom since she was 15 minutes early, but was surprised to hear Jungkook's voice coming from behind her all of a sudden. She looked up to see his face staring down intensely at her, holding his phone within inches from her face.

Jieun frowned, jumping to her feet at once. She grabbed the phone from his hands and finished reading the article in record speed.

"Wait... you guys even have a fan cafe?"

Jungkook ignored her question and snatched the phone back from Jieun's hands.

"Answer my question, why are you part of F4... without my knowledge?"

Jieun bit her lip.

Actually... why was she?

"Um... well, I..." She stammered.

This was the first time she got to talk to Jungkook and it was already as bad as she imagined.

"I- Uh..."

She looked into his beautiful black eyes that were ironically devoid of emotion, and forgot everything she wanted say - that is, if she had anything to say to begin with.

Jungkook raised an eyebrow, still staring at her intensely, as if prompting her to continue.

"I, well, Yoojung-"

"Did I hear someone mention my name?"

Jieun turned towards the classroom door. When she saw Yoojung skip into the classroom with a huge smile on her face, swinging a lunchbox around her index finger, she was so relieved she almost cried.


Yoojung shot her huge grin as she skipped towards Jieun and swung an arm around her shoulder. She glanced at Jungkook and winked.

"You guys were talking about me?"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and threw his bag to the ground.

"Not really," Jungkook muttered, taking his seat and finally breaking his eye contact with Jieun, much to her relief. He turned to look at Yoojung instead, who was already seated at her desk, busy opening up her lunchbox. "I was just asking the new girl how she got into the F4 without my knowledge."

Yoojung stopped what she was doing suddenly.

"Oh- So you found out, huh?" She turned around to face Jungkook, pursing her lips and grinning excitedly. She placed her hands on Jieun's shoulders, turning her to face Jungkook. "My new pick. She has a name, by the way - Lee Jieun. What do you think of her?"

Jieun fidgeted in her spot uncomfortably, trying to avoid any form of eye contact with Jungkook.

"Nothing much." Jungkook muttered under his breath, but loud enough for both Jieun and Yoojung to hear.

Woah, that was rude. Jieun wasn't expecting an answer from Jungkook at all, but that was just plain rude.

"Excu-" Jieun started, but Yoojung seemed to be even more upset than her.

"You're such an idiot." Yoojung removed her hands from Jieun's shoulders and slammed them down on Jungkook's desk. "For our 13 years of friendship, are you not going to be happy for one of your best friends finally finding someone I can get along with?"

Jungkook raised an eyebrow at her, unfazed.

"Well, congratulations then, Choi Yoojung." Jungkook said sarcastically, resting his head on his table. "I really don't care that she's joining us, just make sure she doesn't bother me. I never wanted to be popular, anyway."

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