The Wedding Reception, Pt. 6

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"What did you guys do earlier before coming to pick us up?" Jieun asked Jungkook as they walked to the bus stop together after the wedding.

Jungkook paused for a while, thinking about everything that happened at Seokjin's house: the online soccer game, Taehyung and Seokjin's argument, Seokjin major outburst about girl issues, Jimin and him pulling them apart...

He shrugged. "Nothing much."

"Hm." Jieun frowned. "Funny. I guess guys really do have less drama than girls, huh."

Jungkook smiled to himself. "Why? Something happen on your side?"

Jieun thought about the day's events: the hectic dress-up session, Jisoo's two-facedness, Byulyi's meltdown, Yoojung and her watching on in complete dismay...

She shook her head and smiled. "No, nothing much."

The two of them shared a small laugh. It's like... they both knew something happened at the other side without even asking.

"One of us must be lying, because today was an absolute mess," Jungkook commented aloud.

"You thought so?" Jieun laughed. "I saw you busy with your steak."

"Hm, I can multitask," Jungkook laughed. "I can tell it was a wreck."

Jieun laughed. "It sure was. Why didn't you do anything?"

"I'm not good at handling such stuff," Jungkook said quietly. "I always prefer not poking my nose into such things."

But you stood up for me that time.

Jieun beamed. The bus ride carried on in silence.

"Seokjin and the two of them..." Jungkook said suddenly.


"Why do you think things are so complicated?" Jungkook frowned. "I mean, if you like the girl, just tell her. If you don't like the girl, just breakup with her. Simple."

Jieun laughed.

"Why?" Jungkook turned to look at Jieun.

"No, it's just-" Jieun smiled. "You think so simply... If reality was like what you said, life would be so much simpler."

"It really is," Jungkook said quietly. "It's people who make it complicated. Why keep your feelings to yourself and make life so miserable for everyone?"

"Hm..." Jieun pondered on what Jungkook had said. "Maybe because sometimes saying out your feelings can hurt others more?"

Jungkook shrugged.

"From the way you say it..." Jieun faced Jungkook. "Are you the kind who would tell a girl if you had feelings for her too?"

Jungkook thought for a while. "Maybe?"

Jieun laughed. "See, things aren't always as easy as you put it."

"I guess you're right," Jungkook said after a while. "It's often hard to say certain things, be it due to the situation you're in, or if you care too much about what others think and feel... or if you care too much about what the person you like feels..." Jungkook paused, staring at Jieun.

Jieun laughed. "Yeah, I guess so."

Silence fell over the nearly empty bus as the two of them stopped talking for a while.

"But I guess... I'd try to make my feelings clear," Jungkook said abruptly, breaking the silence in the bus. "Especially after our conversation today."


Silence yet again. But like Taehyung said, it wasn't awkward. Silence was somehow never awkward between the two of them - since neither of them really enjoyed talking that much anyway.

"Lee Jieun," Jungkook said softly.


"If you were to be granted one wish, what would you wish for?"

Jieun giggled. "Suddenly?"

Jungkook looked at her seriously, waiting for her answer.

"Hmm," Jieun thought for a while. "It would be to get an infinite number of wishes."

"Smart," Jungkook laughed. "But for me, there's only one thing I really want in this world."

"What is it?"

"For there to be no secrets between people," Jungkook said, looking out of the window into the dark night. "Especially with people I'm close to."


"I hate it when people lie," Jungkook turned back to face her momentarily. "I hope my loved ones never lie to me, or keep any secrets from me."

Jieun froze.

"Lee Jieun, do you have any secrets that you've never told anyone?"

Many, Jieun thought to herself, biting her lower lip. So many you don't even know, so many that once you know, you might not even want to befriend me.

"I guess you must have," Jungkook looked out of the window again. "Everyone has. But I hope one day we can tell each other our secrets and grow together."

A soft "mm" was all Jieun could manage. What Jungkook said had left Jieun with so many thoughts in her head. He hated secrets, yet she had so many, so many secrets she couldn't tell him.

Finally, the bus reached her stop.

"See you on Monday, Jungkook," Jieun said as she got up from her seat, ready to alight from the bus.


Jieun felt Jungkook grab her hand, and she turned around, startled.

"Get home safely," Jungkook smiled gently. "You must be exhausted today, rest well."

"You too," Jieun managed to smiled back and turned away hurriedly, but Jungkook pulled her back once more. "Hm?"

"Today, you were..." Jungkook bit his lower lip nervously. "You were really... pretty."

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