The Prom, Pt. 8

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"Did you... take this bus so that we could go home together?" Jimin pursed his lips, trying hard not to smile.

Jimin and Yoojung were seated at the back of the bus later that night.

"Jungkook was giving me the looks," Yoojung laughed. "Anyway, this bus is a loop so I'll get back home anyway."

"Oh..." Jimin tried his best to hide his disappointment. "Right."

"Of course..." Yoojung pursed her lips. "I also wanted to talk to you... alone."

Jimin found it hard to hide his happiness this time. "But what was that earlier? Why did you suddenly pretend to be bickering with me earlier when Taehyung approached?"

"Taehyung could have seen us, Jimin." Yoojung laughed. "I kind of freaked out."

"Freaked out?"

"Yeah, do you wanna get found out or something?"

The smile on Jimin's face disappeared for a split second. "You don't want anyone to know we're dating?"

Yoojung shook her head. "You do?"

"I mean... why not?" Jimin frowned. "I wanna date you openly, not just sneak around and hold hands when no one's looking! Why wouldn't you wanna let everyone know we're dating!"

"Because..." Yoojung hesitated. "Don't you think it's awkward? Plus, we're not just regular kids, Jimin. We're part of the F5... do you think everyone would really be supportive of us dating?"

"I see where you're coming from," Jimin pouted. "Still... I want to hold your hand in public. Dating in secret feels... I don't know, like we're doing something wrong."

"Really?" Yoojung frowned. "But our friends... they'll tease us won't they?"

"They'll tease us no matter what," Jimin laughed nervously. "When they find out."

"I don't know if I'm ready to tell them though..." Yoojung sighed. "Am I being too selfish? If you want to just announce it to them, I honestly don't mind too, it just makes me a bit uncomfortable-"

"Oh, no-" Jimin waved his hands. "That's not selfish at all, Yoojung. We're talking about our relationship here - ours, not yours or mine. We both have a say in it. And I don't really understand, but I totally respect your decision. We'll just keep it under wraps as long as we can, alright?"

Yoojung gazed at Jimin for a long while, a small smile forming on her tiny face.

Jimin laughed, his face blushing slightly at all the attention she was giving her. "What?"


"But you're staring at me."

"I just think..." Yoojung beamed. "I'm so lucky to have found you."

Jimin blushed even more this time, laughing to try to get rid of how nervous he was. "What? We've literally known each other for ten years-"

"That's exactly what I'm saying," Yoojung smiled a little, scooting over slightly closer to Jimin in her seat. "I'm so glad I met you ten years ago."

Jimin didn't know what to say... he felt ecstatic.

"Me too," he managed.



"Can I hold your hand?" Yoojung asked quietly.

Jimin reached out a hand and without hesitation, Yoojung intertwined her fingers with his. Jimin didn't know why he was blushing so much. He felt his whole body stiffen up as he felt Yoojung's little head rest on his shoulder all of a sudden. His face felt so hot he wanted to get out there that very moment but yet at the same time... he didn't want to.

"Oh, no!" Jimin exclaimed all of a sudden, his body still stiffly glued to his seat. "I think I missed my stop."

"Yeah, you did," Yoojung smiled, not moving her head from her shoulder as well, her eyes still closed. "Let's go one more round, then."

"Hm, I think I should-"

"Just for a while," Yoojung interlocked her arm around Jimin's, snuggling her head close to Jimin's neck. "Let's just stay like that for a while."

Jimin was so nervous he couldn't even move. He just sat there for the rest of the bus ride, his arm feeling stiffer and stiffer by the second, but not wanting to move it and risk disturbing his girlfriend.

Then it sank in.

His girlfriend is Yoojung. Yoojung is his girlfriend. It still felt weird, it still felt unreal, it felt like it was a dream. But still, it was a relief...

Because it was her.

Jimin grinned, looking down at Yoojung's cute little face resting on his shoulder, her eyes closed into little slits, her tiny nose twitching slightly every time she exhaled and... her cute little lips.

Jimin closed his eyes, resting his head right on top of hers, a small contented smile playing at his lips.

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