The Morning After, Pt. 2

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"What? Us? Why?" Yoojung said the three questions on everyone's minds at that moment.

"What - I told you, a party. At my house. Us - yes, you guys. I'm inviting my close friends only, so be honoured. Why - well, because it's fun, of course. And the semester's coming to an end, of course we should have some fun," Hoseok beamed.

"But... are we close?" Yoojung raised an eyebrow.

"We aren't?" Hoseok frowned. "I thought we were. Especially after all that watch theft thing, I think I'm pretty much buddies with Jieun at this point."

Hoseok put an arm around Jieun and Jungkook glared at him.

"Or maybe not," Hoseok saw Jungkook's nasty expression and removed his arm at once. "But... Byulyi! You guys are Byulyi's friends, aren't you? Ah, I've gotten closer to Byulyi these few weeks. So of course I'd invite her friends. Speaking of that-" Hoseok ran forward to Seokjin and Jisoo's row, where Seokjin was seated at but Jisoo still hadn't arrived.

Seokjin glanced up at him, looking totally confused.

"There you go-" Hoseok smiled, handing him two cards. "For you and Jisoo. My birthday party! I'll text you the details. But it's gonna be this Saturday."

Hoseok walked back to his seat and sat down, placing a card on Byulyi's table before shoving the leftover cards in his bag. "I hope y'all come, it'd be so fun."

Jisoo walked in at that moment. "What's fun?"

"Ah, my party," Hoseok beamed. "I'll send you the deets later but I passed the invitation card kinda thing to your boyfriend already."

Jisoo heard the word boyfriend and her expression changed slightly. But she still managed a small smile. "Oh, wow. Thanks."

Jisoo walked past Taehyung, trying to make eye contact, but he was looking into his phone - Jisoo couldn't tell if he was engrossed in something or... he was purposely avoiding her eyes. She had considered him a friend after pouring out her heart to him last night, but perhaps, he didn't feel the same way.

Jisoo frowned, taking her seat next to Seokjin. She hadn't had a good sleep in a long time, but last night was an exception. It wasn't great, but she'd managed to get a few decent hours in. Talking to Taehyung had helped a lot, but she was still hesitating to take his advice.

"How was the prom last night?"

A question from Seokjin snapped Jisoo back to reality, taking her by surprise. "Oh- it was good."

"You managed to get home safely?" Seokjin asked, his facial expressions unreadable.

"Mm," Jisoo nodded. "My parents came." She purposely left out the part about Taehyung waiting with her.

"Oh, that's good," Seokjin nodded absentmindedly, passing Jisoo one of the cards. "Here."

"Ah, thanks," Jisoo said.

"You're welcome."

It was so awkwardly formal. It was as if they didn't even know each other, not to mention dating. Jisoo and Seokjin were both having breaking up on their mind... but even before breaking up... this already felt like it.

"Byulyi!" Hoseok's shrill voice pierced the air once more. "Come, come, come. Sit down."

Jisoo watched Seokjin carefully. Seokjin didn't react - he didn't turn around, he didn't do anything. He had thought so much about what to do about his relationship he had become so confused, he wasn't that old, cheerful, bubbly Seokjin who told dad jokes anymore. He always seemed sad, and rather depressed at times.

Jisoo looked away guiltily.

"Byulyi!" Hoseok continued with a huge grin, gesturing at the card on the table. "Guess what I have for you?"

Byulyi raised an eyebrow, picking up and examining the green card on the table. "Um... a green card?"

"Naw-" Hoseok laughed. "I mean, yes- it's a green card, but not just any green card, Byulyi. It's a green card that lets you into my party."

"You're having a party?"

"Mmhmm," Hoseok hummed. "This Saturday."

"Hm." Byulyi pursed her lips, examining the green card. "Can I not come?"

"What?" Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows. "The year's almost over, why wouldn't you wanna come?"

"It's just..." Byulyi inhaled sharply. "It's exhausting."

"Exhausting?" Hoseok gasped.

Byulyi laughed, fiddling with the green card with her hands. "So many social gatherings- it's exhausting, isn't it?"

"Not at all!" Hoseok looked at Byulyi absurdly. "Social gatherings are the best!"

"For you, Hoseok," Byulyi chuckled. "For extroverts like you. They make introverts like me exhausted. Plus, I have too much on my mind right now."

"Too much on your mind?" Hoseok exclaimed. "Exams are over, Byulyi! You need to let loose and have fun, maybe that'll clear your mind."

"Nah, Hoseok-"

"All your close friends are coming too!" Hoseok exclaimed. "The F5 peeps, Seokjin, Jisoo-"


"What do you say?" Hoseok grinned. "So, you wanna come now?"

No. Not at all, if what Hoseok said had any effect on her, it was make her not want to go even more. The two of them would be there. She wasn't sure if she was ready to confront it - them.

She wasn't sure if she would ever be able to do it.

"I'll think about it," Byulyi managed. "Thanks, Hoseok."

"No problem."

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