Wedding Bells, Pt. 7

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"Ya! Get ready!" Yoojung shouted all of a sudden, as the girls were still giving their hair and make-up last finishing touches after putting on their dresses. "Taehyung just texted, he said they're reaching in five minutes!"

The four girls went into a frenzy.

"Is my hair alright? Is it awkward?" Jieun asked Yoojung.

"No, not awkward at all. You're beautiful - Jungkook will love it," Yoojung smirked.


"Girls, grab a bag from here!" Jisoo yelled over the noise, throwing several clutches out of her wardrobe. Each clutch she threw out from the cupboard was even more extravagant than the previous - Gucci, Coco Chanel, Dior, the list went on.

They all each grabbed a bag without hesitation and hurried down to the lawn in a frenzy, waiting for their ride to arrive.

"Is my make-up smudged?" Yoojung asked Jieun, taking out a pocket-sized mirror and staring at her own reflection. "Does it look weird on me?"

"No, it's perfect. Your Jimin will surely love-" Jieun grinned.

"I said don't mention his name-"

At that moment, their ride appeared round the corner. It was a black limousine - simply because the Kim family was rich enough to afford something like that.

"Woah, damn-" Yoojung covered her mouth and yelled uncouthly.

Jieun pulled down her arm. "Your dressed like a lady today, Yoojung. Behave like one."

"Oh, right." Yoojung laughed, covering her face embarrassedly. "Thanks for the reminder."

The limousine slowly pulled up in front of Jisoo's house and one by one, the guys came out and stood
in a row in front of the girls. They were all dressed smartly - from crisp black suits to uniquely coloured ties - it was indeed a magnificent sight to behold.

The girls were stunned by how amazing the guys looked, but to be honest, the guys were equally shocked.

"Ho, ho." Yoojung let out an awkward laugh. "Well, this is awkward. Shall we go? Tae, stop staring at me, I know I'm pretty-"

"Staring at you?" Taehyung burst into laughter. "Get your eyes checked, Choi Yoojung. I wasn't staring at you. I was looking somewhere else."

Jieun somehow knew that the "somewhere else" Taehyung was referring to... was her. But that wasn't the only reason why she felt uncomfortable, because she saw that in the corner of her eye, Jungkook, as well, couldn't take his eyes of her. What was going on? Did her dressing really change her appearance that much?

"Kim Taehyung, you-" Yoojung began.

"I think you're pretty," Jimin said all of a sudden.

Yoojung glanced at him, her cheeks flushing red instantly, but she didn't say a word.

"Jin!" Jisoo yelled, rushing forward and giving Seokjin a hug.

Everyone's attention immediately turned to the couple.

Jisoo finally let go, admiring Seokjin's suit. "This is the one I chose, right? You look so good in it... my taste is indeed the best."

Seokjin didn't respond. He was staring somewhere else- And everyone, including Jisoo, could see that he was staring straight at Byulyi.

"Did you see Byulyi?" Jisoo smiled, pulling Byulyi over. "Isn't she pretty?"

Seokjin didn't respond.

Byulyi stared uncomfortably at the ground.

"I did her hair and her make-up! I even lent her this pretty yellow dress, the heels and her bag!" Jisoo smiled endearingly. "Did I do a good job?"

"Mm," Seokjin smiled slightly, but it looked too forced to be genuine.

Now Byulyi was looking so uncomfortable it was hard to watch.

"I remembered that Byulyi's family isn't too well-to-do... so I gave her a complete makeover!" Jisoo beamed. "Don't you think she looks much better like that? If only she could dress like that everyday-"

"Enough," Seokjin noticed Byulyi's expression turning from bad to worse and cut Jisoo off immediately. "We should start making our way there, if we don't want to be late."

"Ah, yes," Jisoo laughed. "Sorry, I was getting a bit too excited over there. Let's hop on, everyone! Come on, Byulyi, sit right next to me."

Byulyi swallowed hard as Jisoo grabbed hold of her wrist.

"I think-" Jieun began.

But Taehyung stepped forward, pulling Byulyi out of Jisoo's grip by her wrist. His expression was dark and unreadable. "It's alright, Jisoo. Byulyi, come sit with me."

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