The Look In His Eyes

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"Who's that?" Jisoo bit her lower lip, watching Seokjin smile as he texted someone on his phone.

"Oh-" Seokjin glanced up at Jisoo, before looking down at his phone again. "Oh, nothing. Just a childhood friend."

But that smile on his face wasn't something Jisoo saw often. In fact, it was rare to see Seokjin smile that much in front of her. And the fact that he was smiling so widely at his phone... it made her feel uneasy.

Because she had seen it all.

Earlier, when they were at the western restaurant, where she wanted to eat at. Jisoo had followed Seokjin's line of sight and seen them - Taehyung and Byulyi, having a nice dinner together. She had pretended not to see them, hoping that Seokjin would too.

But she had seen the look in Seokjin's eyes.

That was a look she had always wanted him to look at her with, but had never ever gotten. The look of complete jealousy in a man's eyes when the woman he loves is with another man.

Was that also why he had been so out of sorts all day? Because he had seen Byulyi and Taehyung leave school together?

She thought she had finally gotten his heart. That day at the Kim's residences, when he had kissed her softly in the bathroom. That day, she thought she had finally won him over - earned his heart.

But oh, how wrong she was.

From that day, she had tried to trust him. Trust him with setting his boundaries right - between his friendship with Byulyi and his relationship with her - which was why she allowed him to make up with Byulyi.

She had seen how happy he was after that happened.

She still remembered that night when she had face-timed him to share with him happy news about how her parents had made up, but he changed the topic and started telling her how happy he was that he and Byulyi had made up.

That look of happiness that she had never seen on his face before when he was alone with her.

Jisoo smiled sadly as she watched Seokjin slurp up the bowl of noodles right before her very eyes. "Is it good?"

"Daebak," Seokjin exclaimed, wiping his mouth, looking extremely satisfied. He noticed that Jisoo hadn't even touched her noodles yet and frowned. "Why aren't you eating?"

Jisoo smiled. "Seeing you eat well is good enough for me."

Seokjin frowned. "That won't do... You have to eat! We walked all day."

Jisoo shook her head and smiled again. "Actually, I'm not hungry. Do you want mine?"

Seokjin frowned. "Is something wrong?"

"Nope," Jisoo said quietly, shaking her head slowly. "Okay, fine. I'll eat a little bit."

Seokjin smiled, reaching over the table and patting Jisoo's head lightly. "That's more like it. I'll go to the toilet for a bit, you take your time."

Jisoo nodded, watching silently as Seokjin stood up and left the table.

Seokjin had always been kind to her - from the start of their relationship till now. He had always let her have what she wanted, sacrifice everything he wanted for her and held her hand from time to time.

But was this love?

He had changed drastically from before - he used to be happy, bubbly, excited. But now, when alone with her, it always felt like he only smiled to make sure he didn't kill the mood. Jisoo hated to admit it, but the only times he looked truly happy was when... he talked about Byulyi.

Every time they walked close to Byulyi, she got the same feeling from him. It was always as if he wanted to draw closer to Byulyi, talk to her, ask her how she was, laugh together with her.

She never got that feeling when it came to her.

Buzz... Buzz. A message had arrived.

Jisoo looked down at the table. It was Seokjin's phone.

Buzz... Buzz. Yet another message.

Jisoo swallowed hard. The look on Seokjin's face as he was texting earlier...

Buzz... Buzz. Another one.

No, it wasn't right. Invading your loved one's privacy in a relationship would only lead to more and more distrust. No, she shouldn't.

Buzz... Buzz.

But he wasn't around. And she was curious. If only she could take a quick peak before he returned from the washroom... What if he was really talking to her while on their date-

Buzz... Buzz.

Before Jisoo knew it, she had flipped over Seokjin's phone on the table and peered into the screen.

"Lee Wonkeun", the screen read.

Jisoo couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. She flipped Seokjin's phone back over and smiled slightly.

But at that moment, Jisoo realised what she had just done. She could have simply asked Seokjin to show it to her... but no, she didn't. She had secretly looked at his messages. She had sneaked in on his privacy.

She no longer trusted him.

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