The Anti Fanclub

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"Please? Yoojung-ah - please? Please, please, pretty please? Just help me out this one time, alright? Please? I'll be nice to you for the rest of our lives... Please? Yoojung-ahHhHhHhhhHh!" Taehyung begged over the phone that night.

It was already midnight, and Taehyung had yet to find a partner to come with him to his mom's birthday party the next day. Their family was well-to-do, so they lived in a decently huge apartment and threw parties often. It was a tradition that a party be thrown for every single birthday of each member in the family - that means, his dad, his mom and Seokjin and his combined.

In the past, for their own parties, they would of course invite the F5. For their parents' birthdays, it had always just been their family and a few of their parents' friends. However, this changed when Seokjin invited Byulyi to his party last year. Their parents had taken an immediate liking towards Byulyi and asked her to come for their birthday parties as well. Taehyung didn't mind at all either, after all he got along just fine with Byulyi.

But ever since Seokjin and Byulyi had broken their friendship, Seokjin decided to take the opportunity to bring Jisoo to meet their parents for the first time. Taehyung was not particularly fond of Jisoo, and didn't really want to be the third party amongst the youngsters, so he decided to invite someone along as well.

The only problem was... he couldn't find someone.

Byulyi had been his first choice, as he was intending to take the chance to patch things up between Seokjin and her, but ever since their friendship took a skydive, he knew things would be awkward for Byulyi, so he didn't want her to feel obliged.

Next in line was Jennie, his crush ever since he met her more than a year ago. She had gotten a boyfriend and split up so many times the whole time, making Taehyung go through a countless number of terrible heartbreaks, but he had never once given up on her. This time, she was single once again. It was his opportunity. It was too bad she wasn't free... Or so she claimed.

Then he wanted to ask Jieun, but Jieun got injured right at the wrong moment, making him lose hope once again. Now he was down to Yoojung, his best friend of 10 years... Perhaps she'd agree, for the sake of their precious, decade-long friendship?


Short, sweet and brutal.

"Yoojung-ahHhhhhHhhhh, whyYyyyYyyyyYyYyy?" Taehyung whined over the phone.

"Because I'm pissed you asked three whole people before asking me, Kim Taehyung." Yoojung sighed dramatically over the phone. "I'm so disappointed. Here I am, cherishing you as my best friend of 10 years. How could you even put me in as 4th place? Like, I feel so betrayed I don't even know what to-" Yoojung started fake sobbing.


"Shut up, you're damaging my eardrums!" Yoojung yelled over the phone. "I'm just kidding, alright? I already told you this afternoon - I'm not free!"

"Weren't you lying to get out of it? I could see it in your eyes - you don't like me, right? You hate me right? I knew it! For all these 10 years, the sincere way I've treated you-"

"Stop trying to guilt-trip me, Tae." Yoojung muttered nonchalantly. "You know it won't work."

"Just tell me one thing - you're actually free, aren't you? You were lying this afternoon, weren't you?"

"That's actually two things, but alright, fine. I was lying this afternoon-"


"Let me finish, you idiot-"

"Okay, okay- Carry on-"

"I was lying but I'm actually really not free tomorrow afternoon."

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