The Party, Pt. 18

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"Shh-!" Jimin held a finger to his mouth as he glared at Hoseok, who had just tripped over a bunch of cans whilst cleaning. "She's still sleeping."

Yoojung, who had fallen asleep on Jimin's, stirred from all the noise and her eyes fluttered open.

"Dude!" Jimin glared at Hoseok. "See? You woke her up!"

"My bad, my bad," Hoseok muttered nonchalantly, before adding under his breath. "Is this my house or yours?"

"Ah..." Yoojung rubbed her eyes sleepily, before looking up at Jimin. "What time is it now?"

Jimin glanced at his watch. "10pm."

"Woah, it's late," Yoojung stifled a yawn, as she stretched her stiff body and grinned. "I had such a great nap."

"I'm glad," Jimin smiled, as he secretly massaged his cramped up arm which he had used to support Yoojung for the past hour for fear that if he moved she'd wake up. "Shall I take you home now?"

Yoojung looked around the room. It was almost empty at this point, with only a few of Hoseok's close friends completely passed out on his sofa and floor, and Hoseok himself picking up empty cans.

"Where's the rest?" Yoojung frowned.

"Oh- Taehyung said he was going out for a breather, but I think he might have left. He seemed quite out of it, tonight. Oh, and-" Jimin smiled slightly. "Seokjin left with Byulyi."

"He did?" Yoojung gasped, her eyes widening. "Why? What about Jisoo?"

"I think..." Jimin bit his lower lip. "I think they broke up. I don't know. Jisoo came into the house and left almost right away. Seokjin came in a while later and carried Byulyi home."

"Oh my gosh," Yoojung looked almost as concerned as Jimin. "I hope everything's alright..." Her eyes darted around the room. "Where's Jieun? Did she leave without me?"

"Oh... Jieun," Jimin grinned from ear-to-ear. "She left with Jungkook a while ago... they seemed to have a pretty interesting conversation in there."

Yoojung gasped from overexcitement. "About what? About what?"

"I'm not sure," Jimin chuckled. "But the atmosphere between them was really off when they left."

"Ooh~" Yoojung raised her eyebrows cheekily, poking Jimin in the stomach. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking, B1?"

"Stop, it's ticklish!" Jimin laughed, trying to get Yoojung's hands off him, grabbing her tiny ones in his and getting to his feet. "Let's go now, before it gets too dark."

"Alright," Yoojung smiled, before turning to Hoseok, who was looking at the couple with his judgy little eyes, but Yoojung didn't seem to notice. "Hoseok! Thanks for inviting us tonight... I really had fun."

"I hope you did," Hoseok sighed, his face looking slightly downcast. "So much things I didn't even predict happened tonight, I don't know if I can even call this a successful-"

"No, it was wonderful!" Jimin cut him off, patting him on the shoulder. "I really, really enjoyed myself too, Hoseok. Thanks for inviting us. And-" Jimin grinned. "I think many of the things that happened tonight were... kinda good."

"Oh?" Hoseok raised his eyebrows. "Really? Like what? What do you mean?"

Jimin smiled knowingly at Yoojung, who smiled right back. Tonight, Seokjin, Jisoo and Byulyi's problems were finally put to rest. On top of that, it seemed like Jungkook and Jieun were up to something. Jimin and Yoojung couldn't help but feel happy for all of them, especially since they were the closest of their friends.

"Mm," Jimin snapped back to reality, turning back to look at Hoseok. "I mean, like trying alcohol for the first time and well, spending time with good friends."

Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows unbelievingly, obviously aware that Jimin wasn't telling him something.

"Anyway!" Yoojung butt in before Hoseok questioned them further. "We better make our leave now! Thanks so much, Hoseok! See you!"

Jimin and Yoojung walked home together, hand in hand, but Jimin seemed more tense than usual. The question about how far the two of them had gone echoed in his head for fifteen minutes straight. Jimin glanced timidly over at Yoojung, who was closing her eyes, humming slightly, breathing in the fresh cold night air, with a small skip in her step.

He wanted to kiss her so bad.

But... he was afraid. What if Yoojung felt like it was too fast? What if she didn't want him to kiss her? That'd be bad - he'd feel really, really bad. And even if she was alright with it... he didn't know how to do it. Like... did he need to ask? What if he was a bad kisser? What if his breath smelt bad? He ate like a whole bag of cheetos at the party earlier.

Jimin bit his lower lip. So... maybe not today.

"The party tonight was great, wasn't it?" Yoojung grinned happily, stopping in her tracks.

It was only then that Jimin had realised they were already standing outside the familiar apartment complex - Yoojung's house.

"Ah," Jimin said, slightly disappointedly. But he managed a smile. "Yeah, it was."

"I was really touched when you took the drink for me," Yoojung scrunched up her nose so cutely Jimin thought he was going to melt right then and there.

"Ah," Jimin smiled gently. "That was nothing."

Yoojung took both of Jimin's hands in hers, smiling at him warmly, saying nothing as she admired his face for a few seconds. "I'm so grateful for you, you know that?"

Jimin felt his hands suddenly begin to sweat. He was so nervous he could hardly breathe. She was looking oh-so-beautiful that night, especially under the dim street lighting, maybe he should just go for it, just lean forward and-

"Y-Yoojung-ah," Jimin stammered. "C-can I do something?"

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