Prom Dates, Pt. 2

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"Wait, Yoojung-"

The F5 members finished up their lunch and headed back to the classroom a while later, but Jimin grabbed Yoojung by the wrist, asking her to stay.

"Hm?" Yoojung turned around, surprised but expectant.

"Well..." Jimin hesitated.


"I was wondering if you..."

"Jimin!" Doyeon came running down the corridor, tapping Jimin on the shoulder as she came to a halt. "I finally found you!"

Jimin raised his eyebrows.

"I was looking for you..." Doyeon turned and saw Yoojung. "Oh, hi Yoojung. Are you guys talking about something important? I can wait."

"No, it's nothing," Yoojung laughed. "You go ahead."

"Ah, thanks, Yoojung," Doyeon beamed. "Jimin, I was wondering if you wanted to be my prom date?"

"Huh?" Yoojung and Jimin said at the same time.

"Yeah, for the prom Mr Kim told us about earlier," Doyeon laughed. "You see, I don't have that many guy friends, so I mean, if you happen to not have a prom date and don't mind going with me..."

Jimin glanced at Yoojung.

"Oh!" Doyeon traced Jimin's line of sight and laughed. "Silly me, you must be going with Yoojung already, aren't you? Ah, forget I asked..."

"No, wait-" Jimin grabbed onto Doyeon's wrist before she could walk away.


Jimin tried to make eye contact with Yoojung, but Yoojung was staring down at Jimin's hand on Doyeon's wrist.

"Yoojung..." Jimin began. "What do you think?"

"What do I think?" Yoojung scoffed. "Why would you care what I think?"

"I mean..."

Yoojung herself didn't know why she was acting this way. Just a few moments ago, she was getting excited as she imagined Jimin asking her out to prom. He did seem to have the intention to... but as she saw his grip on Doyeon's wrist, she felt upset all of a sudden. If he really wanted to ask her out to prom, he wouldn't hesitate, he wouldn't be holding onto Doyeon like that...

"I already have a prom date," Yoojung said nonchalantly.

"What?" Jimin exclaimed. "Who? Taehyung?"

Obviously... Taehyung wasn't a logical choice. Yoojung had seen him asked out by Jennie, she wasn't gonna mess it up for him. Jungkook was also out - he was going with Jieun. Who, then? Not Taehyung, not Jungkook, definitely not Seokjin... Yoojung's eyes lit up when she saw Yoongi walking down the corridor towards them, on his way back from the toilet.

"Ah-" Yoojung ran and grabbed Yoongi by his arm.

Yoongi looked at Yoojung weirdly, his eyes barely open. "What do you-"

Yoojung nudged him in his side, shutting him up. "He's my prom date."

Jimin's jaw fell open. "Yoongi?"

"Me?" Yoongi frowned. "Prom? I don't even-"

"Yes, it's Yoongi," Yoojung smiled. "He's my prom date... so you two can do whatever you want."

Jimin stared blankly at Yoojung for a few seconds.

"Alright then," Jimin turned to Doyeon. "I'll go with you to prom."

"Ah... thanks, Jimin," Doyeon smiled at Jimin before giving Yoojung a small pat on the shoulder. "And thanks, Yoojung. I'll be off, now." And she skipped away.

"Well, then-" Yoojung waved goodbye to Jimin, walking in the opposite direction, still holding on to Yoongi's arm.

Jimin watched on, perplexed.

"This is literally why I hate being awake, I take a short toilet break and-" Yoongi grumbled as he and Yoojung walked a good distance away from Jimin. "Now can you tell me what's going on?"

"I'll show you my answers for next week's homework if you don't ask why and just go along with what I said," Yoojung frowned. "That is, go with me to prom."

"As if I'd give you my time just so you'd give me free answers," Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I have dignity, alright? Plus, I told you before- I have a girlfriend and she's probably not gonna like this-"

"Deal or no?" Yoojung raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, okay, fine," Yoongi grumbled. "I'm going not because I want free answers, this is simply a favour for my deskm-"

Yoojung let go of his arm, dragging herself into the classroom, looking annoyed yet upset at the same time.

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