It Came Unexpectedly, Pt. 2

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"Why are you both still standing there? Quick - help me with these bags!" Hoseok glanced towards the door of the storeroom, where Byulyi and Seokjin were standing a metre apart from each other. "Are y'all okay? Why do you both look so awkward? Aren't y'all close?"

You see, Hoseok was not the most sensitive of people. He knew Byulyi and Seokjin were close since last year, but after they had gotten into that argument and fell out, Hoseok had lost track of what had happened between them. Perhaps he thought it was a normal squabble and they were both fine - evidently, they were not - but he didn't know.

Seokjin and Byulyi didn't say anything.

"Ah, whatever-" Hoseok picked up two bags from the ground, walking towards the door. "I don't know what squabble you guys got into this time but you both better settle it quick and bring those bags to the gymnasium A.S.A.P, I don't want to get into trouble with Mr Bang, alright?"

And he left. It was silent.

"He really doesn't joke around when it comes to PE, huh," Seokjin laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

Byulyi laughed, obligingly. "Yeah."

"Let's get these bags," Seokjin reached forward to grab two bags from the pile. "Can you manage?"

"Yeah, sure," Byulyi reached forward to pick up the two bags nearest to her. They were at the foot of a huge two metre cupboard filled with different types of balls - basketballs, tennis balls, volleyballs, and more.

"Wait, stop-!"

The next few seconds slowed down and felt like minutes to Byulyi. Everything had happened so fast, yet Byulyi could remember everything with such great detail.

Firstly, one of the bags she had grabbed had one of its edges wedged under the huge cupboard - she didn't even know how it got caught under. As Byulyi pulled the bag, the cupboard had wobbled precariously back and forth, threatening to topple onto her.

But that wasn't all.

She turned around at Seokjin's loud shout of caution, only to see Seokjin hurling himself over her before anything else could happen. The two of them rolled to the ground, Seokjin using his body to shield her, as his body tensed up, bracing himself for the impact.

But the impact never came.

Seokjin and Byulyi lay on the cold hard ground, with Seokjin's body pressing closely against hers, his sharp heavy breaths ringing in her ears. Her heart was hammering against her ribcage, but Byulyi didn't know whether that was caused by the near-death experience they just had, or the fact that Seokjin was literally lying on top of her right now.

Or both.

Then it striked Byulyi all of a sudden what Seokjin had just done. He had seen it coming. He had sensed the cupboard was going to fall onto her even before she herself did. And yet- he had thrown himself onto her, ready to take the blow for her sake.

Why her?


Byulyi thought Seokjin had fainted or something, judging from how he hadn't gotten up despite the cupboard already steadying itself back against the wall. But he definitely was conscious, his body was way too tense to be unconscious.

"Seokjin," she called again, swallowing hard. "You alright?"

"Oh my god," Seokjin finally exhaled and Byulyi felt his body finally loosen up.

"You're-" Byulyi felt a breath leave her body as suddenly Seokjin's full weight was rested on her. "You're kinda heavy."

"Oh-" Seokjin propped himself up with an arm instantly. Seokjin looked down at her, his face hovering above hers at an awkwardly close distance. "I'm sorry."

Byulyi got up at once, forcing Seokjin to move and make space for her. The two ended up pressed against an empty wall in one corner of the storeroom, breathing heavily, still trying to get over the shock of what had just happened.

Something had just almost happened.

"Why?" Byulyi finally spoke, her voice coming out hoarse when she did. "Why did you do that?"

"Do what?" Seokjin laughed. "Save your life?"

"Stop-" Byulyi frowned, evidently not amused. "Seokjin- stop laughing. It's not funny. Why did you just do that? Why did you throw yourself on top of me when you knew the cupboard was going to fall?"

Seokjin stopped laughing at once as he bit his lower lip, his face turning pale and expressionless. "Yeah, it's not funny." He swallowed hard. "I almost lost you."

Byulyi let the words sink into her.

I almost lost you.

He almost lost her? Byulyi didn't want to overthink... but why did he say that? They hadn't talked in ages too... She glanced to her right. Seokjin sat there, his face buried in his clenched fists. His breathing was unstable, it was choppy. It was as if he was choking... choking on tears. Was he-

Was he crying?

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