Loss and Lost, Pt. 5

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"Jisoo-ya!" Taehyung grabbed hold of Jisoo's wrist. "Where are you going?"

Jisoo turned around. Her eyes were red from all the crying. "I'm sick of staying under the same roof as them, I just- I just need a break."

"You're... leaving home?" Taehyung gasped, scanning Jisoo from head to toe. "In a blouse, a pair of jeans and... your phone? You can't be serious."

"I am," Jisoo bit her lower lip. "Even staying on the streets would be better than living in that hellhole."

Taehyung frowned, trying to reason with Jisoo logically. "Look- you're just upset now. But if you think about it, maybe your parents just don't understand that showering you with money and gifts is not love? Maybe they grew up that way too and-"

"I don't think they'll ever understand," Jisoo shook her head sadly. "They're... simply the worst."

"Come on, don't say that," Taehyung frowned. "Give them a chance to change. Besides, you've never actually told them your true feelings, have you?"

"I di-" Jisoo paused. "Okay, fine. That's true."

"Exactly," Taehyung smiled. "I'm sure they'll take what you said into consideration and perhaps try to understand you more after hearing all that you said today. So perhaps... we should take you home right now? I'm sure your parents will worry if you're gone for too long."

Jisoo scoffed. "I don't think they'll ever understand, Taehyung. They never listened to me since I was young, so at some point, I simply gave up. But just now I was so upset, I just couldn't control myself."

"I was surprised, to be honest," Taehyung chuckled softly. "I've never seen you that mad."

Jisoo smiled slightly. "I must have given you a shock, didn't I?"

"So..." Taehyung tried his luck once more. "Not going home today?"

"No," Jisoo shook her head firmly. "At least not today. Tomorrow... well, I'll think about it."

"Where are you gonna stay then?" Taehyung raised his eyebrows. "Have you ever thought about that?"

"I have my e-credit card," Jisoo mumbled to herself. "If my dad doesn't terminate my account, I should be able to get a room at a hotel-"

"Hotel-?" Taehyung shook his head. "Did you know hotels are one of the most dangerous places to stay at alone?"

Jisoo was startled. "Really?"

"Yeah," Taehyung's eyes widened, nodding his head dramatically. "Really."

"It's just one night," Jisoo shrugged. "Nothing bad will happen."

"You're not staying at a hotel," Taehyung insisted. "I'm not gonna let you."

"Pfft," Jisoo laughed. "Why would you care?"

"Well," Taehyung frowned. "Because you're my friend? I can't just let a girl stay in a hotel on her own like that."

Jisoo smiled to herself. Knowing that someone had her back sure felt good. "Then what do you suggest?"

"I suggest," Taehyung scratched his chin. "You really should just go back and try talking it ou-"

"Taehyung!" Jisoo frowned. "I told you I'm not doing that. I'm really upset right now, if I go back I really have no idea what I might end up doing. Please, I really need some time to cool down."

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