The Prom, Pt. 6

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"We hope that you enjoyed all the performances we have arranged for you tonight. To finish off the night with a bang, we will now open the voting for prom king and queen! Please submit the names of one guy and one girl whom you think best deserves the title of prom king and queen tonight to this link here! Please write their names in caps and proper spacing. All votes are tabulated online, so names with improper spelling or spacing or capitalisation will be nulled. Voting begins... now!"

Jimin and Yoojung walked back to the table at that very instant, still pretending like they were enemies for some odd reason. They took their seats at the table, exchanging meaningful glances as everyone focused on voting.

Everyone looked up after a while, after they finished voting.

"You guys are back?" Jieun asked Yoojung. "Did you both settle things?"

"Settle things?" Yoojung frowned. "Literally nothing to settle. His face just irritates me too much today."

"Same here," Jimin rolled his eyes. "I think I'm gonna have to take a break from our friendship."

"I know right," Yoojung scoffed. "Me too, you ain't special."

Jieun looked at the both of them cynically. "Really?"

"Yeah, I'm serious, Jieun," Yoojung sighed. "Anyway, who did you guys vote for prom king and queen?"

"I voted Jungkook and Jieun," Byulyi said. "They're literally shining tonight."

"Me too," Jimin said. "To be very objective-"

"I hate to agree with Jimin but same-" Yoojung said.

It turned out everyone at the table who had voted (which was everyone except Yoongi) had voted for Jungkook and Jieun.

"What?" Jieun exclaimed, looking at Jungkook. "Us? We literally didn't do anything tonight, though."

"Yeah, you didn't do anything and still slayed us all with your visuals," Yoojung rolled her eyes. "We get it, Jieun. Who did you guys vote for, then?"

"Me?" Jieun hesitated. "I voted Jimin and Yoojung..."

"What?" Yoojung exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. "No way- me and him?"

"You think it feels good for me?" Jimin scoffed. "I feel terrible right now!"

"Well..." Jieun bit her lower lip. "I do think your visuals go quite well, the cute couple face, you'd be the cutest prom king and queen in history..."

"Urgh, forget it," Yoojung sat down, pouting. "What about you, Jungkook?"

"Me?" Jungkook said as he nibbled on the snacks at the table. "Of course I voted for me and Jieun. Is that a question?"

Jieun turned to stare at Jungkook, her mouth hanging open. The guts of this guy-

Yoojung burst into laughter. "Oh my gosh, it's literally confirmed you both are going to be prom king and queen."

And... Yoojung was right.

Shortly later, Jungkook and Jieun's names were being announced, and the two of them walked on stage to receive their prize - a pair of couple bracelets.

They'd won 80% of the votes... their power.

Taehyung had returned to the table after Jungkook and Jieun's names had been called. As he watched them smile happily at each other on stage, Taehyung managed a small smile.

"Thanks for coming tonight! And once again, congratulations to our prom king and queen... Jeon Jungkook and Lee Jieun!"

The night ended in a flash.

"How are you guys going home?" Yoojung asked the rest as they walked out of the ballroom.

"I'm going home with Doyeon," Jennie smiled. "Yoojung, wanna join us?"

"Um... I'll pass."

"Why?" Jennie frowned. "My parents hired a chauffeur to fetch us home."

"Well..." Yoojung glanced briefly at Jimin.

"You're going home with Jimin? I thought you guys-"

"No, I'm not going back with Jimin, I'm going back with Jieun-"

Jungkook gave her the look.

"I'll figure something out," Yoojung bit her lower lip.

"Alright, then," Jennie smiled at Yoojung. "See you at school tomorrow, you cutie. Bye, guys!"

"Thanks for tonight, Jimin," Doyeon smiled, returning Jimin his jacket. "I really enjoyed myself. See you all tomorrow!"

It was just Jimin, Yoojung, Jieun and Jungkook left at this time. Hoseok, Byulyi and Yoongi had left on their own, while Taehyung had disappeared immediately after that after saying goodbye. He usually was the one hanging out till late, but none of them knew why tonight was an exception.

"So..." Yoojung hesitated.

"Go back together?" Jieun suggested.

"Well... we do stay in opposite directions," Jimin said. "Jungkook and Jieun, you're taking the bus this way, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Jieun replied. "So does Yoojung?"

"Well..." Yoojung hesitated. "I need to go somewhere before going home first so..."

"At this hour? 11pm?"


"Okay then..."

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