A Brand New Day, Pt. 4

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"Why can't it be me?"

The words that had left his lips still ringing in his ears, Taehyung had run away from Jieun's house as fast as his legs could carry him, not turning back once. Wild thoughts had raced through his mind, making his head ache and causing him to slow down at the sidewalk, panting heavily as he bent down, clutching his head in his hands.

It wasn't long before he'd passed out on a bench along the sidewalk, but now that he had risen due to the bright sunlight shining down at him, the thoughts were back.

Calling Jungkook for the second time was even harder than the first. The decision to put Jieun in his care, knowing that she was crying over him... it hurt. But he was the one who hurt her, so he was the one who should resolve it. Not anyone else, definitely not him.

It's all over now. You can rest now, Taehyung.

But no, he couldn't. Not when the image of Jieun's face, surprised by his sudden confession, remained fresh in his mind.

"What do you mean, the person you like?" Jieun had stared up at him like he was saying something absolutely absurd. As if it was something he ought not to say, as if he had just done something wrong. Her teary eyes weren't helping. It felt like a stab right in Taehyung's heart.

"It meant exactly what it sounded like," Taehyung said apprehensively. These words required so much courage, especially after being wounded so many times. But he was done hiding his feelings anymore. There was no better time than now. "I like you, Jieun."

Jieun stared back at Taehyung, looking absolutely confused. But then she burst into laughter, hitting Taehyung on the shoulder. "Ya- you almost got me this time. I still remember at the party-"

Taehyung grabbed her by the wrist, shaking her firmly as he stared straight in her eyes. "I'm not joking, Jieun. I really like you - I've liked you for a really, really long time."

The smile on Jieun's face left as quickly as it had arrived, as she blinked rapidly, staring at Taehyung with a long awkward silence. "Oh."

Taehyung swallowed hard. What now?

"But I don't like you, Taehyung," Jieun's words stabbed Taehyung's heart like little daggers, dragging him back to the horrid reality. Then came the typical words Taehyung had heard at least a billion times before from dramas - the words he least wanted to hear. "I mean, I do like you, as a friend. But you know, not in that way."

The friend-zone.

Taehyung nodded, trying hard to control the tears that were now forming in his eyes. "I- I know."

"I'm sorry," Jieun pulled her hand out of Taehyung's now loosened grip as she leaned against the sofa, consumed by her drunkenness as she closed her eyes. Her voice was starting to slur, her eyelids looked heavy and Taehyung couldn't take her eyes off her. "I'm so sorry... Tae... if only I had a choice... if only... if only the person I liked wasn't-"


Taehyung covered his ears, as teardrops rolled down his cheeks. He didn't want to hear his name. He knew exactly who it was, but he didn't want to hear it.


Taehyung was brought back to reality when he heard someone calling his name. He still remained lying on the hard wooden bench, his hands now jammed over his ears, but he felt someone standing next to him, shaking him, calling his name. He opened his eyes and a familiar face stared down at him.

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