The Birthday Party

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It was finally d-day.

The day Taehyung had been dreading because he had failed to find someone to come along. He woke up early in the morning to with his mom happy birthday and help with all the party prep, while Seokjin had already left the house to pick Jisoo up. He was so busy with helping out, that he hadn't realised an hour had passed, and Jisoo had finally arrived with Seokjin.

Ding dong.

"Taehyung-ah! Go open the door for your brother!" Taehyung's mom yelled from the kitchen.

Taehyung dragged himself to the door and turned the lock twice, opening the door to see Jisoo and Seokjin outside.

Jisoo was smiling from ear to ear, hugging a huge wrapped up present in her arms. She waved happily at Taehyung. "Annyeong, Taehyung-ah."

Taehyung forced a smile. "Annyeong."

They stood there for three whole seconds, awkwardly smiling at each other.

"Oh, come in." Taehyung held the door wide open, so that Seokjin and Jisoo could step in.

"Thanks, Tae," Seokjin patted Taehyung on the shoulder.

He looked tense, somehow. Even more tense than he looked when he left house earlier in the morning.

"Omo, is Jisoo here already?" Mrs Kim stepped out of the kitchen into the living room with a huge smile, walking excitedly towards Jisoo. "Omo! You're so pretty!"

"Annyeonghaseyo. Thank you, auntie." Jisoo smiled sweetly as she took a bow. "Happy birthday! Here is the present Seokjin and I chose together."

"Oh-?" Mrs Kim smiled in delight. "You really didn't have to... Please put it down here, on the coffee table." She motioned to the nearby coffee table. "Do you want a drink? You must be thirsty, the weather is so hot outside."

Jisoo smiled as she put down the gift on the table. "It's alright, auntie. You must be tired doing all the preparations for the party."

"Not at all, sweetie." Mrs Kim took Jisoo's hands in hers and led her to the sofa to take a seat.

Seokjin and Taehyung followed, Seokjin taking a seat next to Jisoo and Taehyung taking a seat next to his mom. The party hadn't even started, and he was already feeling as awkward as awkward could get.

At that moment, his dad walked down from the staircase in their house. "Oh! You're here!" He grinned at Jisoo.

Mr Kim was a tall man, probably where Taehyung and Seokjin got their genes from. Except, he was chubby, but that made him even more approachable. Seokjin and Taehyung adored their dad.

Jisoo got up and bowed. "Annyeonghaseyo, uncle."

Mr Kim motioned for her to sit and took a seat as well, in between his wife and Taehyung. With even more people in the room, Taehyung felt even more left out. Should he take the chance to leave the room and go spy on Jimin and Yoojung?

"So... how long have you two been together?" Mrs Kim asked, still holding Jisoo's hands in hers.

Jisoo smiled, flashing a smile at Seokjin. "It's been almost two months now."

"Are you happy?" Mr Kim asked. "Is Seokjin nice to you?"

The smile vanished from Jisoo's face momentarily, but Taehyung noticed it all. He remembered the talk he had with Seokjin in his room that night.

But Jisoo smiled again, so his parents didn't seem to notice. "He's a great guy. I am lucky to have him."

She had successfully avoided answering the question, without Mr and Mrs Kim answering.

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