Wedding Bells, Pt. 2

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"Hold still! I'm gonna start on your brows, alright?"

Jieun and Yoojung watched on, holding their breaths, as Jisoo did Byulyi's make-up. Jieun was doing Yoojung's make-up halfway, but she was too worried about Byulyi and Jisoo that she couldn't focus. That wasn't a problem, because Yoojung kept turning her head such that Jieun couldn't work on her face anyway.

"Sure," Byulyi looked so awkward it was suffocating.

"Don't watch me, you guys," Jisoo laughed, turning towards Jieun's direction, who immediately pretended to be working hard on Yoojung's make-up. "It's too stressful."

"We're not, we're not," Yoojung chuckled, giving Jieun the look.

"Yeah, we aren't," Jieun laughed awkwardly, applying foundation on Yoojung's face. "I was just taking a glance at how the make-up pro does things."

Jisoo chuckled. "You flatter me. I'm no make-up pro."

"You kind of are- close your eyes, Yoojung-" Jieun said. "You always put really light make-up when you go to school! I can still tell, but it looks really natural - none of the teachers have noticed."

"If you can tell, that's not natural anymore," Jisoo laughed aloud, making small little dashes along Byulyi's brow line. "I never really used to do make-up, but when I started dating... I began to be more conscious about my appearance, I guess."

An awkward silence fell over the room.

Yoojung's eyes fluttered open and she exchanged a quick look with Jieun.

"Ah! I see..." Yoojung said abruptly - a ditch attempt to lighten the atmosphere. "That's nice. No wonder you always look so pretty. Your eyes are always so round and big."

"Speaking of that..." Jisoo stopped for a while, admiring Byulyi's face. "Byulyi has naturally pretty eyes, I don't have to do that much to it."

Byulyi raised her eyebrows, evidently taken aback. "Oh... thanks," she said with a small smile.

"Really!" Jisoo laughed. "Byulyi's so pretty, I wonder why she doesn't have a boyfriend? If I were a guy, I'd totally like her-"

Byulyi pursed her lips.

"Oh!" Jieun cut in abruptly, after receiving weird eye signals from Yoojung. "Speaking about boyfriends- about boys- about friends-" Jieun was stuck. How was she going to continue? "Ah! Yoojung! How has things been between you and Jimin?"

Yoojung gave Jieun a what-on-earth-are-you-doing look.

Jieun shot her a just-answer-me-Choi-Yoojung-we're-desperate-right-now look.

"What?" Jisoo exclaimed, looking over at Yoojung. "There's something going on between you two?"

"Nothing, there's nothing!" Yoojung glared at Jieun. "Don't talk about him. Let's talk about what's going on between Jieun and Jungkook instead, how about that?"

It was now Jieun's turn to give Yoojung an I-hate-you look.

"Jungkook?" Jisoo's eyes widened, as she picked up the eye shadow palette and started working on Byulyi's eyes.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone knows there's something going on between Jieun and Jungkook, am I right, Jieun?" Yoojung said with a small smirk.

"Choi Yoojung, you-"

"That's funny," Jisoo commented.

"What's funny?" Yoojung turned, causing eye shadow to be smudged on her face.

"Ya!" Jieun held Yoojung's face into place. "Stop turning your head! You keep making me mess up."

"Sorry, Jieun," Yoojung smiled sheepishly, making sure not to turn her head this time. "Jisoo, what's funny?"

"Well..." Jisoo thought for a bit. "I thought... I thought Taehyung was the one who had feelings for Jieun."

"Taehyung?!" Jieun and Yoojung exclaimed at the same time.

"No?" Jisoo laughed. "I got the impression that Taehyung liked Jieun..."

"No way!" Yoojung burst into laughter.

"Yeah, absolutely no way," Jieun laughed. "You must have gotten it wrong... Taehyung likes someone else."

"Ah," Jisoo shrugged. "Maybe I'm just bad at judging how people feel."

A minute passed, as the girls went back to doing their make-up. Byulyi was quiet this whole time, and Jisoo seemed to have noticed.

"Like, for example," Jisoo chuckled slightly. "I never knew Seokjin liked me that much... until he kissed me."

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