The After School Date

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"What was that earlier?" Jisoo and Seokjin had just left school and arrived at a nearby café, before Jisoo crossed her arms and asked Seokjin sternly. She looked upset, but Seokjin didn't know why.

"What was what?"

"You said that your mom's birthday was a chance for me to meet your parents." Jisoo frowned.

"Well, yeah - it is."

"Then why is Byulyi coming along too?"

Seokjin paused at the mention of Byulyi. Ever since he had started going out with Jisoo, he hadn't had much time to hang out with his best friend. And he missed the days they could spend almost every waking hour talking and laughing. Now, it was all gone. It was as if the distance between them was growing day by day.

"Are you listening to me?" Jisoo sipped her iced coffee. "Jin?"

"Yes. Yes, I am." Seokjin was brought back to reality. He frowned. "I don't know. Are you upset because he's bringing someone else or... because he's bringing Byulyi?"

Jisoo froze. "I-"

Seokjin knew that Jisoo had always been wary of Byulyi. No matter how hard he tried to get both of them to get along, it seemed impossible due to their differences in character - Byulyi was easy-going, Jisoo was more particular about things; Byulyi was carefree, Jisoo was meticulous; Byulyi was spirited, Jisoo was serious.

But that being said, Byulyi had been so out of herself lately, and he didn't even have the chance to ask her why. Even despite being deskies again since Taehyung had reconciled with Yoojung and Jimin, Byulyi seemed awfully cold towards him.

"I know you must have a lot of worries and doubts. But I really didn't know Taehyung was going to invite her. I thought he wasn't going to invite anyone - and if there was one person, I thought it'd be Jen- I mean, someone else." Seokjin took Jisoo's hands in his. "I'm sorry for making you feel this way, alright?"

"Well, I'm sorry too, Jin. It's just-" Jisoo's expression softened as she felt the warmth of Seokjin's hands spread to hers. "It's just that I- I don't know. Sometimes I feel so insecure. I feel like I'm the only one putting effort into this relationship, you know? I mean, from the time we started dating till now..." Jisoo pursed her lips. "Not once have you told me that you like me."

Seokjin remained silent for a while. "I didn't? I'm sure I did."

"Then tell it to me now." Jisoo said softly.

"I... I..." Seokjin tried to get the three words out of his mouth but he simply couldn't, no matter how hard he tried. He sighed, letting go of Jisoo's hands and folding it across his chest. "I..."

"See, you can't." Jisoo had just had her point proven right, but she didn't feel good about it. In fact, she was so disappointed she felt like she could cry. She forced a smile. "Look? I was right."

"No, look- Jisoo, it's not what you think- I- I-" But Seokjin didn't know how to continue - he didn't even know what he wanted to say. At that point... he knew that she was right.

But instead of getting upset, Jisoo reached over the table, this time holding his hands in hers. She smiled gently at Seokjin. "It's alright, Jin. I'm not blaming you or anything. I was the one who confessed to you and convinced you to give us a chance afterall. Take it easy, I'll wait." Jisoo paused, admiring Seokjin for a while. "I'll wait for the day when you can give me your heart."

Seokjin didn't know what to say.

In fact, he didn't know how to respond to Jisoo for the rest of the day, even as they went around Hongdae, searching for a present for his parents. As Jisoo asked him to choose between all kinds of presents ranging from jewelry to clothes to even food, Seokjin didn't even know how he responded. He blanked out the entire time, thinking about how he felt about Jisoo.

Jisoo treated him with such sincerity... How hard was it to simply utter those three words, even if they meant nothing to him?

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