The Wedding Reception, Pt. 4

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It was all on purpose.

The number of fake smiles she put on all day had made her jaws hurt. The insane amount of niceness she had provided to the three of them... it used to be a natural thing for her, but since when did it become so tiring?

Jisoo recalled earlier in the day, when she had left her room and gone down to check on Byulyi. She had heard every single thing she told Jieun. All the things she had said... about only finding out about her feelings after she got together with Seokjin, how uncomfortable she felt when Jisoo told her about their first kiss, how she wanted to get over him but couldn't, how she considered even dropping out of school to avoid them...

At that moment, for just a while, Jisoo wanted to give in. But that meant letting go. Letting go of him. The person who brought her so much warmth and happiness in her otherwise mundane life. The guy who had talked to her and encouraged her when she was alone... She simply couldn't give him up for someone else.

Even if she knew, and yes she knew, he didn't love her as much as he loved Byulyi. In fact... she hated to admit this, but he probably never loved her at all. That kiss... that was just lip service - nothing more, nothing less. It was just a simple gesture to give her the reassurance. To fulfil his duty as a boyfriend. He never ever felt anything towards her.

It was selfish, she knew, but she couldn't help it. She loved him so much. It was impossible to let him go.

That's why she did what she did. She went to touch up her make-up - made sure she looked perfectly happy and normal despite her slight meltdown in front of Yoojung - before pretending like nothing happened and approaching Byulyi once more.

If she wanted to keep Seokjin, she couldn't show her weak side. She needed to be the bigger person. She had to show him she was accepting, that she was generous, that she could tolerate anything he did - just as long as he remained faithful to her. It was a form of guilt-tripping, she had to admit.

But that was the only way.

At the same time, she needed to let Byulyi know her place. That she was not a good match for Seokjin. That compared to herself, she was poorer. Compared to herself, she was less elegant. Compared to herself, even when fully made up, she was still less pretty.

But then she saw the way Seokjin had looked at Byulyi at the front of her house.

He really saw her as a woman. More of a woman than Jisoo. Her plan had backfired - Byulyi ended up stealing all his attention, even more than before. That's why, she was upset. She let go of that glass on purpose.

Jisoo hated to admit it, but she was becoming from bad to worse. Why was she doing all this? Sometimes, she even felt like she was out of control.

But Seokjin's reaction made things even worse.

The way he asked Byulyi why she didn't hold the glass quick enough. That tone... complete protectiveness. The way he shoved Jisoo out of the way just so he could get closer to Byulyi and check if she was alright, not even bothering if any wine got on her dress. Maybe she should have spilt the wine on herself instead...

Even then, who would be the one he would worry about?

Jisoo's gaze fell onto Seokjin, who was still staring blankly into the air, after Taehyung had left the room with Byulyi. That same look he had when he saw them having a meal together at the restaurant a few weeks ago.

She took a long gulp of the drink in her cup. She just wanted Seokjin by her side... Did she really have to do all this just not to lose him?

She was doing all this, but nothing had changed. Seokjin was still concerned about Byulyi and Byulyi only. Maybe she should give up...

But then she saw Yoojung and Jieun walking back towards the table.

No, she couldn't.

Byulyi had so many people supporting her. She had Jieun, she had Yoojung, she had Taehyung and... she had Seokjin. But Jisoo was different. She needed Seokjin more than her.

Because she only had him.

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