Exciting News

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The Monday after Mr Kim and Ms Ahn's wedding came by almost immediately after, since the eight of them spent their Sundays resting from the hell of a day on Saturday.

The F5 Flower Fans fansite had not posted in about two weeks, it was a streak that they hadn't achieved before. For the F5, this was good and bad news - good because no new bad articles about Jieun were being posted, but bad news because they hadn't found the culprit who stole Hoseok's watch yet, so Jieun's name hadn't been cleared.

The eight of them came to school that day, still exhausted from the wedding, barely managing to say "hi" to each other. Seokjin was particularly cold to everyone, not even looking any one of them in the eye when he walked into the classroom.

Jieun's heart pounded fast as she entered the classroom that morning - in fact, it had never stopped pounding fast ever since Jungkook had told her she looked pretty that night. Jungkook smiled at her briefly when she took a seat and she smiled right back, her heart rate quickening again. 

"Class! I'm here! Quieten down!" Mr Kim shouted as he entered the class.

Everyone scurried back to their seats.

"Good morning, Mr Kim!" The class greeted Mr Kim enthusiastically.

"What's up with you guys today?" Mr Kim raised an eyebrow cynically.

"Congrats, Mr Kim! You're now a married man!" Hoseok yelled from the back of the class

"Whoo!" The class cheered spontaneously, bursting into laughter.

"Thank you, thank you everyone," Mr Kim laughed, making special eye contact with those eight students he had invited to his wedding. "I hope you all had a productive weekend."

The class let out a groan, breaking into small groups to discuss how atrociously their weekends went.

"Alright, settle down, settle down," Mr Kim waited until the class went completely silent. "Right, it's just about a month away to the final exams, how is everyone preparing?"

The class let out a collective groan.

Mr Kim chuckled. "I knew you guys would react this way. I hope you have been revising well."

Jieun pursed her lips. She had not. There was simply, so much happening she could hardly breathe.

"Anyway! I have an exciting announcement for you guys today!" Mr Kim continued, breaking into a grin. "I'm sure all of you will really love to hear this."

The class began buzzing in excitement.

"Are exams cancelled?"

"No more art class?"

"Do we get extra PE lessons?"

"Is Hoseok leaving our class?"

"Oh, that'd be great."


"Shh-" Mr Kim chuckled. "Quieten down, kids. It's nothing of that sort. Without further ado, let me tell you." Mr Kim paused for dramatic effect. "The school has decided to organise a small prom after your exams as kind of a reward."

The class cheered excitedly.

Jieun blinked in confusion. Prom?

Mr Kim smiled. "It will be held at the Fullerton Hotel in September. You guys will need to find prom dates and form a group of ten, meaning five couples, to sit at a table together. You can join other classes too, so don't worry."

Yoojung turned around excitedly, as if she had been risen from the dead. "Jieun, Jieun! Prom!"

Jieun stared blankly at Yoojung, raising an eyebrow. "Prom?"

"We gonna get prom dates, Jieun! And eat amazing food again!" Yoojung exclaimed, waving her fists in the air. "This is gonna be so fun!"

It didn't sound fun to Jieun at all. Stressful, at bare minimum. Prom dates? Who was gonna ask her out as their prom date? Jungkook...? Jieun side-glanced Jungkook, who was staring at Mr Kim with a blank look on his face.

What if he was too nonchalant to care about any lame prom? Was she gonna go alone, then?

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