The Prom, Pt. 1

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"Yoongi, when we go in," Yoojung whispered into Yoongi's ear, her arms wrapped around his. "You better act like we're really prom dates, not like I forced you to be here."

Night fall came and it was the night of their so-called prom. The school had arranged the prom on the night when they received their results, much to everyone's dismay. It was indeed a night of celebration for some, but a night of sadness for most.

People complained that the school board was a bunch of sadists, but ironically, they still went for prom in happy spirits that very night.

Yoongi and Yoojung were the first of their classmates to arrive at the ballroom.

"Why should I?" Yoongi groaned. "Am I like your tool or something, I really don't get the point of this-"

"Shh," Yoojung interrupted. "I fulfilled my promise - I showed you my answers for a whole week - you'd better fulfil yours."

"Fine, fine," Yoongi grumbled. "I don't get paid enough for my job."

Shortly later, Jisoo arrived with Jaehwan. It was an odd combination, but it worked. They didn't say a word - Jaehwan felt awkward going to prom with someone else's girlfriend, while Jisoo... obviously didn't have the mood to be there.

But she'd gone anyway, thinking that it might take her mind off things, even for a short while.

They arrived one by one - Sejeong and Minhyun, Jackson and Heeyeon, Hoseok and Byulyi, Daniel and Chungha, Jennie and Taehyung, Jieun and Jungkook, Jisung and Sohye, and finally Jimin and Doyeon - entering the ballroom one after another.

"Hey," Jimin said as he sat down next to Taehyung.

"Hey," Taehyung glanced up at Jimin.

Jimin looked around the table. To his right, Doyeon, Hoseok, Byulyi, two empty seats, Jieun, Jungkook, Jennie, Taehyung... "Where's Yoojung?"

"Went out for a bit," Taehyung shrugged. "With Yoongi."

Jimin raised his eyebrows.

At that very moment, Yoojung came walking back with Yoongi, taking their seats opposite Jimin. As they were talked and laughed, Jimin's eyes fell upon Yoojung's hand wrapped around Yoongi's arm. Yoojung and Jimin made brief eye contact, but they both looked away almost immediately.

Doyeon's teeth chattered next to Jimin.

Jimin turned, realising that she was wearing short sleeves. He took off his jacket, putting it around her shoulders.

Doyeon smiled with gratitude. "Thanks, Jimin. You're always so considerate."

"Don't worry about it," Jimin grinned. "You're wearing short sleeves today, you must be cold."

Doyeon chuckled. "The extents girls go to for beauty. I hardly even wear high heels, but I wore them today."

"Your feet must hurt," Jimin glanced down at her feet. "Are they alright?"

"They're blistering, to be honest," Doyeon laughed. "But they'll survive the night."

"What about getting home later?" Jimin asked, looking concerned. "You couldn't be taking public transport, could you?"

Doyeon smiled. "I'll manage."

"Let me know if you need my help," Jimin said thoughtfully.

Yoojung looked over the table, eyeing the two of them suspiciously.

"Hello, students!" The emcee greeted everyone cheerfully. "It's 7pm, so we shall begin tonight's programme. First, we would like to thank you all for being here with us tonight, especially since we know it must have been a rough day for some of you."

The students groaned in agreement.

"But don't worry!" She continued excitedly. "As tonight, we have a line up of fun, interesting activities for you to enjoy, including a lucky draw and of course, picking the prom king and queen of the night. To kickstart the night, we will be serving all of you some wonderful food! Please enjoy!"

That very moment, the waiters and waitresses walked into the ballroom, placing various dishes of food on the turning table. There was fish, there was meat, there was noodles, there was fried rice... There was a lot of food.

"Daebak," Jimin heard Yoojung say at the opposite end of the table. "I love food."

Jimin smiled to himself. She did love food.

"Yoongi!" Yoojung whined. "Can you help me take some fish, like, there are bones, it's hard to manage."

Aftwr getting elbowed by Yoojung, Yoongi reached over, helping her to debone her fish.

"You know there was once I thought I choked on a fish bone?" Yoojung told Yoongi. "I got rushed to the hospital and they had to take it out for me."

"Really?" Yoongi responded, still working on the fish.

"Yeah," Yoojung laughed. "It was quite a scary experience."

"There, done."

"Thank you, Yoongi," Yoojung smiled at him sweetly. "You're so considerate."

Jimin felt thirsty all of a sudden, grabbing the water jug to pour himself some water. He turned to Doyeon. "You want some?"

Doyeon nodded with a small smile and Jimin poured her some water.

"Yoongi," Yoojung said loudly over the table. "Could I have some noodles?"

"What-" Yoongi began.

Yoojung gave him her usual you-better-do-it-for-me-or-else look.

"Okay," Yoongi sighed, piling up some noodles on her plate.

Jimin glared at the two of them. "Doyeon, do you want some fried rice?"

"Oh-" Doyeon mumbled with her mouth full of food. "Well, okay-"

Jimin scooped some fried rice onto Doyeon's plate.

At this point, everyone at the table knew what the two were up to. They were just watching on, completely amused. Jungkook and Jieun were holding in their laughter.

"Yoongi," Yoojung said much louder than she normally would. "My feet hurt a bit."

Yoongi raised his eyebrows at her.

Yoojung looked down at his shoes.

"My shoes?" Yoongi whispered, staring at her, completely baffled.

"Doyeon, do you need lip balm?" Jimin asked Doyeon all of a sudden.

Doyeon looked up from her plate. "Like... now? We're halfway through a meal though?"

"Yoongi!" Yoojung stood up all of a sudden. "I wanna go out for a bit. Can you follow me?"

Yoongi stared at her like she was crazy. "I'm done, I'm out."

Yoojung glared at Yoongi for a few seconds, but he refused to cooperate this time. She kicked her chair back, and left the ballroom.

Everyone at the table watched on, in suspense.

"Um... Jimin?" Doyeon spoke up, after swallowing the food in her mouth. "You might wanna go after her."

"That's what I was thinking," Jimin stood up. "I'll be right back."

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