Loss and Lost, Pt. 9

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As soon as Jieun heard the door close and the door lock, and was a hundred percent sure that Jungkook had left her home, she could finally breathe.

She had made a conscious effort not to get too close to Jungkook after finding out that he was her brother, but after seeing him sitting there in her house... her resolve was fading.

Jieun tossed around under her sheets.

He looked so confused too. Was this really the best way out of this? Considering that he had come looking for her after a day of her being missing in action, if she didn't move out, there was no way avoiding him would be possible.

There was no way out.

It seemed like she had to either tell him the truth, or explain it to her parents, so they would help her avoid him. Because the way they let him into their house would definitely not be beneficial. But both options sucked, and Jieun knew they did.

She felt bad too. Maybe... she should tell him?


"I guess it's just left with the two of us."

Byulyi sat in her pyjamas on the living room floor, looking at Jisoo, who had borrowed another set of pyjamas of hers to wear after she had taken a shower. Between them lay two mattresses Byulyi had gotten ready while Jisoo was taking her shower.

Byulyi's face broke into a smile when she saw Jisoo approaching.

"Why, is it funny?" Jisoo looked down at her pyjamas covered in bear prints.

"No," Byulyi pursed her lips. "It's cute, one of my favourites. Except it's funny seeing you in them."

Jisoo sat down on one of the mattresses, drying her hair with a towel. "Thanks for lending it to me."

"You need a hairdryer?" Byulyi offered.

"Oh-" Jisoo pursed her lips. She was too awkward to agree to dinner earlier, but after actually sitting down and having dinner... it wasn't so bad after all. Jisoo didn't know why, but she felt a little closer to Byulyi after that conversation they'd just had earlier.

"It's not good to sleep with your hair wet," Byulyi emphasised, reaching over to a nearby cupboard and pulling a hairdryer out. "Here, take it."

Jisoo looked at the hairdryer, then back at Byulyi, the corners of her mouth lifting slightly. "Thank you."

"You can use the socket over there," Byulyi pointed at the wall behind Jisoo, getting up to her feet. "I'll go check on my grandma one last time before we go to bed."

Jisoo nodded silently.


"Ya! Kim Seokjin!"

Seokjin looked up from his phone, upon hearing Taehyung's familiar voice echo through the hallway. "What?"

It wasn't much later that Taehyung had stuck his head into Seokjin's room, a mischievous smile stretched across his face. "So... how are things?"

"How are what things?" Seokjin rolled his eyes, looking back down at his phone. "Don't disturb me, I'm busy."

"Busy?" Taehyung pranced into Seokjin's room and threw himself down, face first, onto Seokjin's bed. He sat up, propping himself up by resting one cheek on his palm, grinning from ear to ear. "Busy with what, huh?"

"None of your biz."

"Now that you have a girlfriend, it's time to dump your brother already, I see," Taehyung gritted his teeth. "She must be busy complaining to you how I dumped Jisoo at her house-"

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