A Brand New Day, Pt. 2

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Taehyung was exhausted.

Physically, mentally, whatever. He was sick and tired of being the pushover he was. He was annoyed that every single freaking time he made a promise to himself to let go and forget, something had to happen and his resolution would come crumbling down into pieces.

And this time was no different.

Just hours after leaving Jieun's house, Taehyung found himself wandering in a nearby park, only to arrive right below her block again - at the playground she once comforted him at. The place where he perhaps realised his own feelings for her, the place where his second unrequited love began.

So coincidentally, he had to receive a call then. And so very coincidentally, it had to be from her. And so very naturally, Taehyung pondered hard on whether to pick up, which was absolutely unnecessary since he was going to pick up anyway. And so very naturally, his resolution to get over her came crashing down once again, as he heard her quivering voice on the phone.

He was exhausted.

He didn't have a backbone.

He was done with her.

She needed him.

This was torture.

She didn't even like him back.

"I'm coming."


"I really wanted you to see this," Jimin smiled, putting an arm around Yoojung's shoulder as he gazed into the golden yellow horizon. "The famous Busan sunrise - this is my favourite spot I've always liked to come to since young. And today, I really wanted to share it with you."

Yoojung was so moved she felt like she could cry. "I... wow... Thank you... I... how should I put this... I'm so... wow..."

Jimin giggled, his eyes forming two adorable inverted crescent moons. "You don't need to say anything - I know."

Yoojung nodded silently, taking in the marvellous birds-eye view of Busan showered in dazzling glimmers of striking orange and golden yellow.

"I wanted to apologise for not being able to stop my grandma from telling you to do all this," Jimin pursed his lips, his facial expressions becoming serious all of a sudden. "It hurts my heart to see you do so much, and to see you absolutely exhausted, but because I know her, I know how stubborn she is. I know that when she sets her mind out to do something, no one can stop her - not even me."

"I know," Yoojung said quietly. "I don't blame you."

"I know you don't," Jimin reached down and grabbed Yoojung's hand, giving it a tight squeeze. "That's why, I also want to thank you for putting up with all this."

"It's the very least I can do," Yoojung turned to face Jimin, staring up into his beautiful sharp features. "This is what a relationship is like - it's all about being patient, giving in, compromising. I've seen the way my parents act and that's why they never fight. They care so much about each other that they put each other's needs above their own. And that's how I feel about you, Jimin."

"You're-" Even under the sun's rays, it was easy to tell that Jimin was beaming. He was grinning from ear to ear as he let out a laugh of pure happiness.

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