The Party, Pt. 6

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It was a nightmare.

It had only been an hour since the party had started and Yoojung was already dying inside.

Honestly, the night started off perfectly well. Jimin had come to pick her up from home and they made their way happily to the party by bus, whilst catching up on things. Well, they had just seen each other yesterday, but they somehow always had things to catch up on. Dramas, people, gossip, whatnot.

Then the party started.

Yoojung saw Jieun and Jungkook looking like a real couple, wearing a matching yellow shirt and dress. She wondered if they had done that on purpose, but cancelled out that possibility when she thought about how they had been around each other lately. For a while, before that, Yoojung felt like there was something going on between them. But lately, it was obvious Jieun was trying to avoid him, or something.

Was she not into him anymore?

Then Hoseok brought in the alcohol. Alcohol... Yoojung honestly had tried it a few times, with parental supervision. She hadn't turned 19 yet, but her parents were the kind who didn't believe in such laws. They were the cool parents who let Yoojung taste alcohol since she was 16, saying that "you don't develop a strong liver overnight".

But Yoojung never liked it.

And that was why she was extremely grateful when her boyfriend had snatched the glass from her hands and downed it for her. Thought he seemed to be enjoying it a little too much. Just like Yoongi - she had never seen this side to Yoongi before.

But everything just went downhill from there.

When the bottle had pointed to Taehyung, she hadn't thought much of it. She hadn't thought much about the fact that Jisoo asked him who his crush was, either. She didn't know how or since when Taehyung had suddenly been on talking terms with Jisoo, but she figured that since Jisoo was his brother's girlfriend, Taehyung must have somehow gotten close to her. Everything would have been fine.

But Taehyung had confessed his love for Jieun all of a sudden.

Honestly, when Taehyung had said what he had said, everything just clicked in Yoojung's mind all of a sudden. The look of awkwardness and borderline jealousy Taehyung always had on his face when he walked in front of Jieun and Jungkook on the way back from lunch; the way Taehyung remembered even more about Jieun than Yoojung did; the way Taehyung would get all excited when they talked about Jieun.

But what mattered more than the way Taehyung looked at Jieun, was the way he looked when she wasn't around.

Why didn't she ever consider that possibility? The last time Jisoo brought it up, she had laughed off the slight possibility of it happening, and so did Jieun. Why did they do that?

But then he said it was all a joke... but Yoojung knew it wasn't. Only Jieun was gullible enough to believe that it was indeed a joke, but Yoojung didn't buy any of that crap. Neither did Jungkook, from the looks of it.

But that wasn't the worst of it all.

Then Byulyi came all of a sudden. With all the things that was going on between her and Jimin, Yoojung had lost track of what was happening between Seokjin, Jisoo and Byulyi. She knew all three of them weren't on particularly good terms... but something seemed to have changed since yesterday.

Yoojung freaked out internally when she saw the two of them going to the storeroom together to get something. Hoseok came back soon, but the two of them came back much, much later. And the mood was totally off. Something wasn't right.

And then...

"Have you ever had feelings for him?"

Yoojung was screaming internally. Why would Daniel even ask them such a question? Well, people who weren't close to them probably had no clue, but still!

Yoojung glanced over in Byulyi's direction and saw her hands clench into fists, trying to maintain her smile but failing quite horribly.

"Sorry, what?"

"Did you ever like Seokjin?" Daniel repeated once more, still smiling, with absolutely no clue about the weight of his words.

Seokjin was looking away, unable to watch. While Jisoo, she seemed totally out of it. Yoojung watched helplessly as Byulyi shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"I'll drink."

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