Wedding Bells, Pt. 6

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Mr Kim's wedding was approaching in two hours, and the atmosphere at the boys and girls quarters were both equally... horrible, to say the least.

At Jisoo's house, Jisoo had found Byulyi sobbing on Jieun's shoulder somewhere in her garden, before Yoojung could stop her. They had a hard time trying to come up with an excuse for that.

"Ah, something went into her eye-" Yoojung began.

"Sorry, my mom just called to give me some bad news-" Byulyi said at the same time.

"What?" Jisoo laughed.

"Ah, yes. Something went into my eye-" Byulyi said this time.

"Oh, my bad. Her mom called-" Yoojung said simultaneously, before realising and wanting to slap herself in the face.

"Forget it," Jisoo grinned. She supported Byulyi up from the ground. "Look! Your make-up's all smudged. Your dress is dirty too. Let me fix you up."

And so the four of them headed back up to Jisoo's room, with Jisoo supporting Byulyi and leading the way and Yoojung giving Jieun funny eye signals she couldn't exactly understand behind them.

Back in the room, Jisoo fixed Byulyi's make-up as Jieun finished up Yoojung's and did her own.

"There! We're done," Jisoo stepped back with a smile, admiring Byulyi's make-up. "What do y'all think?"

Yoojung and Jieun peeked over and stared at Byulyi. She was stunning. Jisoo had done a wonderful job on her make-up - she had retained her natural features while giving them all an extra pop where they needed it.

Jieun let out a silent gasp of awe. "Woah, daebak."

Yoojung, in the meantime, frowned. Why was she putting so much effort in Byulyi's make-up if she didn't want Seokjin to notice her?

"Pretty, isn't she?" Jisoo grinned, turning to Byulyi and holding up a mirror to show her her own reflection. "How do you like it?"

Byulyi gasped. "That's me? In the mirror?"

"You're so cute," Jisoo laughed. "Yeah, that's you. If you put more effort into dressing up, that would be you everyday! Come, let me take you to my wardrobe!"

Jisoo stood up and opened her wardrobe with a huge grin. "Here're my dresses!"

Yoojung, Jieun and Byulyi gasped at the sight of her wardrobe. There were at least fifty outfits packed in a section of her wardrobe alone. There were dresses of different colours, designs, lengths, sizes, cuttings - it was amazing.

"What do you guys think?" Jisoo said with a smile. "Byulyi, you soiled yours earlier, so take your pick! Jieun and Yoojung, you guys can pick one too! I have many."

Yoojung and Jieun exchanged glances, while Byulyi stared in awe at how many beautiful dresses Jisoo had, as compared to her - who could barely even afford one or two dresses only to be worn on special occasions.

Jisoo smiled.

Over at the Kim's Residences, the boys had finally gotten over everything and were starting to dress up - wearing their suits and ties. Taehyung and Seokjin, who had stopped quarrelling, were now helping each other wear their ties. Mrs Kim was helping Jimin and Jungkook with theirs, despite how much they had tried to resist. She had also decided to style their hair and put some light make-up for all four of them, despite how much they didn't want to.

"There! We're done!" Mrs Kim stepped back after styling Jungkook's hair, admiring all four boys. "Oh my goodness, you four boys are shining! Can I take a photo of you? It's such a beautiful masterpiece."

"No." The four of them said simultaneously.

"Why?" Mrs Kim frowned, picking up a camera from the table that she had already brought into the room previously. "Just for memories-sake? I'm sure it'll be hard for you four to be seen in suits anytime soon-"

"No, mom-" Taehyung ushered his mom out of the room. "We'll take one at the wedding later and show it to you. Now's just not the time-"

"Please?" Mrs Kim begged. "You guys just look so good right now, what if later your hair or make-up gets ruined-"

Taehyung shut the door in her face.

"Sorry about that," Taehyung said, slouching on his bed, trying to remove as much hair gel as he could from his hair. "You guys ready to go?"

"I'm ready," Jimin said, glancing at Jungkook who nodded, before looking at Seokjin. "You ready, Seokjin?"

Seokjin frowned, but nodded slowly. "Let's just get past today first. Live each day one at a time."

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