The Wedding Invitation

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"You alright, Jieun?" Seokjin asked as Jieun entered the classroom together with F5.

"Do you think she'll be alright?" Jisoo frowned, hitting Seokjin lightly on the shoulder. "Those people literally made up such horrible things about her... And so many people are actually dumb enough to believe that fake news... You didn't do it, right? Jieun?"

Jieun nodded slowly.

Jennie walked towards them, propping herself up to sit on Yoojung's desk. "Don't worry, Jieun. We believe you. The next time I see those people who threw rotten eggs at you, for every single egg they threw at you, I'll throw back 5 at them!"

Taehyung smiled at Jennie, before taking a seat on Yoojung's chair. "Yeah! We'll show them how they shouldn't mess with anyone from Class 12B!"

Byulyi came over and put an arm around Jieun's shoulder. "You must be really taken aback. Give her some space guys, she might need some time to calm down."

The students all went back to their seats, Jieun thinking hard about what had happened. Even though she had just gotten hit by a dozen rotten eggs, she surprisingly felt happier than when she left house this morning.

The very fact that her classmates had not one single ounce of doubt in her made her realise what great friends she had. Plus...

Jieun turned to her left, where Jungkook was listening to music, completely engrossed. He, whom she had thought wouldn't actually care, hacked the website and deleted the post for her. Jieun smiled.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Good morning, class!" Mr Kim walked into class at that moment, announcing his arrival. "It's time to start- wait, what's that smell?"

"Rotten eggs, sir." Hoseok's voice resonated from the corner of the classroom and the class burst into laughter.

"Rotten eggs? Why would we have rotten eggs in our class?" Mr Kim frowned. "Jung Hoseok, you stand up and tell me."

Hoseok rose to his feet, glancing at Jieun, before continuing. "People threw rotten eggs at Lee Jieun, sir."

"Lee Jieun?" Mr Kim exclaimed. "What?! Why?"

Before Jieun had transferred to Gangnam High, Mr Kim's favourite student had always been Yoojung. But overtime, Mr Kim also started to favour Jieun because she was smart, hardworking and determined, and it wasn't too long before he started favouring the whole of F5 as well.

"There were some nasty rumours about her spread online, sir. Now the post is removed but I think pretty much everyone saw it. It was even spread on social media."

Even social media? That, Jieun didn't know about.

"What?!" Mr Kim was enraged. "How can anyone even do such a thing... I'll get to the bottom of this, Jieun. Don't you worry. And as for those of you who stood up for your friend... I'm so proud of you." His eyes gleamed. "I'd like to meet you all outside."

That was pretty random, and the F5 members looked totally confused, but they followed Mr Kim outside anyway.

"Guys, I'm really proud of you-" Mr Kim said loudly, before lowering his voice when he made sure that no one was listening in. "I called you guys out because I wanted to invite you all to my wedding."

"Wedding?!" The five of them exclaimed in unison.

"Yes, my wedding." Mr Kim chuckled. "I proposed to my girlfriend a few months ago and she agreed. Well, I think you know her too."

Why would they even know Mr Kim's girlfriend? They didn't even know he was dating.

"It's Ms Ahn."

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