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Narrators POV

Sammy walked into the front office to pick up her schedule and get a tour from a former student at riverdale high.

"Name please" the lady who worked at the front desk asked sammy. "Samantha Santiago"
sammy responded with a awkward look on her face.

Sammy always hated her real name 'samantha'. She thought it was such a dorky name but sadly she had to live with it.

"Here's your schedule and this young gentleman will give you a tour around our school" she handed sammy her schedule and looked behind sammy. There was a boy with waves in his hair and big brown eyes.

Sammy's POV

"Hey I'm chuck and I'll be giving you a tour around our school" chuck held his hand out for me to shake but instead i nodded my head and headed out the door.

"The name's sammy" i looked at chuck who was still confused at why i didn't shake his hand. "And you're a serpent?" He looked me up and down. "No I'm a goulie" I said sarcastically.

I'm a super sarcastic person by the way it's just my nature.

"Wow okay then" he looked nervous as we walked down the hall. "What is it,chucky? You scared of me? Is it because I'm a serpent?" I asked him trying so hard not to make a evil smile. "I-I-" he stuttered.

Yup, he's scared of me. Or is he not used to the serpents being at riverdale high yet?

"Don't worry chucky I won't hurt you" I patted his back and he flinched when I did. "As long as you don't get in my business, you'll be fine" I wink at him.

He seemed to get less tense after I said that. "You're not like other girls are you sammy?" He raised his eyebrow at me. "Not even close chuck, not even close" I give him a quick little smile.

"Can I ask you something chucky?" I stopped walking and so did he. "Why are you doing this? You don't seem like the type of guy to be giving me a tour. You seem like the type that would try to bang me or something" I tilt my head a little bit.

"I'm trying to rebuild my image thats all" he grins. "Okay then..." I didn't know what else to say.

He showed me where all my classes were, where the gym,cafeteria were at. And last but not least the student lounge. Once we walked into the student lounge people immediately looked at me and starting whispering things.

"Look who's here guys" toni and some serpents come up to me and chuck. "Hey topaz" I look at her and then I see the other serpents and give them a nod. Then I see him.

I see sweet pea. But somethings different about him and its not just his height.

"Look who finally joined us" I look at the one and only fangs fogarty.

"Sammy Santiago looking beautiful as always" he winks at me. "Hey sweet pea..." I look at sweet pea but then quickly look away. "Hey..." he licked the inside of his cheek and walked away.

"Hey there, sammy" I hear a familiar voice come from the left side of me. I come to making eye contact with Veronica lodge.

"What's up, babe" I winked at her and sat next to her. "Nothing much, what about you?" She smiled at me. "Just chillin and killin, you know the usual" I wrap my arm around her.

"Sammy, I want to introduce you to some of my friends" she looked at the people who were not really paying attention at first but then they all looked up.

They all nodded when she called out their names, "These beautiful people are betty,kevin,josie and-" I cut her off before she could say his name.

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