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Narrators POV

"Have you ever walked in your sleep before?" Betty asked both sweet pea and sammy. "How would I remember?" sammy said while munching down on some chips. "Calm down sam, she's just asking a question" sweet pea shakes his head.

"Whatever I'm tired" sammy puts her head on sweet pea's shoulder and he put his head on hers. "Hey guys whats... " reggie walks in and see's the sammy and sweet pea together.

"Obviously I came in at the wrong time" reggie leaves the student lounge. "Ouch that had to hurt" jughead laughs out loud.

"What are you talking about?" Sammy lifts her head up. "Your 'boyfriend' just saw you and your ex together" jughead tells the serpent girl. "Who's my boyfriend?" Sammy looks confused. "Reggie who else?" Jughead looks around the room.

"First of all he's not my boyfriend and second did you see where he went?" Sammy looks up to jughead. "He probably went to the locker room or something" sweet pea pointed to the door.

"I'll catch you guys later" sammy waves at the three and leaves to find reggie.

Sammy's POV

"Come on reggie answer your phone!" I tell myself.

Why do I always have screw things up? Everything is always my fault! I don't deserve anyone. Especially reggie. He's been there for me recently.

"Hey stranger" I feel someone tap my shoulder. I turn around to see chuck.

"Hey chucky" I don't make eye contact with him, I was worried about reggie. "Are you okay?" He asks me. "Not really, I'm looking for reggie but he won't answer my calls or text" I say quickly.

"He just left the locker room and he didn't look so good" chuck shakes his head. "Do you have any-" I get cut off by principal weatherbee who yelled my name through the hallway. A bunch of 'ouus' came from the crowd in the hallway.

I ignore them and go with principal weatherbee to his office.

"Take a seat ms. Santiago"

Oh shit he knows I set of the alarms the other day. I'm not gonna lie but it was fun.

"I'd like to talk to you about your behavior lately" He takes out a folder.

Damn they keep my behavior chart in a folder?

"You were the one that set off the alarms Ms. Santiago!" he bangs his fist on the desk.

"And because of you some students slipped and hurt them selves!"

"Awe man I missed it! You know how much money I could've made selling those to those tv shows who show funny videos?" I laugh.

"Ms. Santiago! That is not the correct behavior a young woman like you should have! And due to your actions you will have two weeks of detention" he gives me a serious look.

"It's not like I have plans after school anyways, so thank you for giving me something to do" I say sarcastically. Before he could say anything else I get up and leave his office.

"We're not done talking about your behavior, Ms. Santiago!" He yells at me while I leave the office.

For the rest of the day I ignored people. I had my headphones on the whole time I was at school. I tried to forget about reggie and let what happened today go but I couldn't.

Finally I got to 7th period.

"Some of you did excellent on last week's test but some of you didn't do so great" Our geometry teacher told the class while she gave us back our tests.

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