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Sammy's POV

Today I wore a long sleeve shirt with black Jean's. I never wear regular shirts, I always wear crop tops but lately things haven't been going great at home.

"Hey sammy!" I hear someone call my name and I turn around to see fangs. "What do you want, fogarty?" I ask him. "How've you been?" He nudges my arm. "I've been okay I guess, why are you asking?" I felt weirded out.

"Well we haven't talked in a while because of the whole you being a rebel with mantle thing" he replied. "First of all I've always been a rebel, and second don't involve reggie" I shake my head. "Okay then but I have to get to class see you later, boo" he kisses my head and walks away.

I walk into first period and smile at Andrews who was saving my seat that was next to him. Me and him have been getting super close lately.

"Do you have any food on you right now?" I ask him. "I have a donut from this morning but-" I take the donut from his hand and eat it.

Archie's POV

While sammy was eating the donut I noticed that she was wearing a regular long sleeve shirt. Then I also noticed that there was a mark that was around her wrist.

Is she okay? What's going on at her house?

Before she could stop me I grab her hand and pull down her sleeve to reveal the bruise.

"You can't tell anyone, especially reggie" she pulled her hand back and fixes her long sleeve. "Who's doing this to you? You have to tell someone" I suggest. "It was a one time thing it won't happen again, don't worry about me I'll be fine" she looks down trying not to make eye contact with me.

"Sammy you-" she cuts me off. "I said I'll be fine" she looks up at me.

She had bags starting to form under her eyes. Her ears looked redder than usual. She looked tired and sick.

"It was only one time then?" I ask her. "Yes, it won't happen again" she shakes her head and faces the front of the room.

Narrators POV

Remember when sammy said it was a 'one time' thing. Well she was wrong. Manny had some old goulie friends of his go over to the trailer and things didn't go so well. They each either kicked or punched sammy in the stomach more than once. Her mom didn't care one bit.

After the day archie found out about sammy getting abused at home, he hasn't been able to sleep at night. All he could think of was sammy getting abused.

"Hey babe, are you okay?" Veronica asked her boyfriend. "Not really" he was looking around the hallways to see if sammy showed up to school. "Why? What's going on?" She grabbed his face so he can face her. "I promised I wouldn't tell" archie shook his head.

"But I can show you just help me look for sammy" he told his girlfriend. "What happened to sammy?" She was curious. "Something, stuff, i can't tell you but I will show you" archie finally saw sammy and he rushed over to her. Archie waited for the hallways to clear out so he could show Veronica.

"Sammy, let me see you arm" sammy didn't have a chance to respond 'yes' or 'no', archie checked out her arms anyways. "Archie, what the hell are you doing to me?" Sammy felt awkward. "Pick up your shirt" he demanded.

"Archie!" Veronica yells at her boyfriend. "No I'm not gonna pick up my shirt" sammy crosses her arms on her stomach. "Then why are you wearing a regular shirt then?" Archie knew sammy was hiding something.

"Yea sammy, why are you?" Veronica noticed that sammy was wearing a regular shirt. Archie moves Sammy's arms from her stomach and picks up her shirt to reveal nothing but dark red and purple bruises.

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