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1 week before Halloween

"What are you gonna for Halloween?" Betty asked me. "I don't know, but I know me and the twins are gonna go house to house pranking people" I chuckle and betty stays serious. "What? It's a tradition" I smirk. "I thought you were done with being a 'bad' kid" she tilts her head. "But its Halloween!" I tell her.

"Well are you gonna go to veronica's Halloween party?"

"That's like asking me if I'm gay for toni, so yes"

"You're so weird" she shakes her head. "Says the one dating a guy that wears a beanie 24/7" I cross my arms. "At least my boyfriend isn't a fuckboy" she raises her eyebrows. "I don't have a- wait you mean reggie?" I ask her. "Who else but you two seem so distant lately, what's going on?" She asks me.

We almost kissed but we didn't because of me.

"Stuff but we haven't been that distant we still see each other"

Actually the past couple of days, we've snuck into each others rooms, and slept there until the morning. But we didn't talk at all.

"Hey B & samantha" Veronica walks into the lounge. "Hey" both me and betty say. "What were you two talking about?" Veronica smiles. "We were talking about how sammy and reggie have been lately" betty smriks and so does Veronica. "Oh my God" I sigh. "Have you two kissed yet?" Veronica asks. "Nope" I shake my head.

Almost though.

"I can help with that!" Veronica smiles. "What?" I say confused. "Wait here, I'm going to get some people" she walks away and looks for 'people'. "What is she gonna do?" I ask betty. "What she always does, help" betty shrugs.

Veronica comes in josie, some of the Bulldogs including reggie. She also brought some serpents along with her.

"Let's play a game of truth or dare!" She tells all of us.

You're kidding.

Everyone nods except for me, all confused and shit.

"Okay everyone take a seat and let's get started"

Everyone gets settled and we start the game.

"I'll go first" Veronica tells us. "Um reggie truth or dare?" She tells reggie.

God can she make it more obvious?

"Dare" he smiles. "I dare you to compliment a female in this room" she looks at me when she says it. "Josie has a nice voice" he looked at josie and smiled. I saw sweet pea clench his fist.

You probably thought I didn't know about sweet pea and josie, huh? Well sweet pea told me at the party and I was cool with it. But i feel bad because he really likes josie.

"Okay who's next?"

We did two rounds and people started getting the whole point of why we were playing.

"My turn" a kid wearing a bulldogs jacket says. "Reggie, truth or dare?" He smirks.

Reggie's POV

"Reggie truth or dare?" Dylan asks me. "Truth" I bite the inside of my cheek, getting nervous.

I know he's probably gonna ask if I made a bet on sam in front of everyone. And I wasn't going to do a dare either because he would've made me do something to her.

"Is it true that you still have feelings for josie?" He makes a evil smirk.

Why did he ask that? It's like he wants to piss me off. I look over at sam who was looking down.

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