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"Who wouldn't miss you two?" I run towards the both of them. "You're right" eli hugs me and so does theo. "Damn sweet pea puberty did a number on you" theo looks at reggie who was confused.

"I'm not sweet pea" reggie says in a low voice.

"Then who the fuck are you?" Eli nits his eyebrows together. "Eli and theo this is reggie mantle a good friend of mine" I put my hand on reggie's chest and give him a smile. "And I'm guessing he's not a serpent?" Theo crosses his arms on his chest. "Guys chill, he's one of the good ones" I stand up for reggie.

"Alright then, but if you hurt my cousin in any way I swear you-" i stop eli from finishing his sentence.

"Okay we get it now let's go eat" I gesture my head to the car. "I could go for a milkshake from pop's" theo looks at me with a funny look.

"Alright let's go then"


"Damn I forgot how good these French fries were" theo stuffs his mouth with French fries. "And the burgers too" eli takes a huge bite from his burger.

"You were right sammy, he is one of the good ones" theo says while eating his fries. "You two can order anything else you want then, it's on me" reggie drinks from his milkshake.

"Can you pass me the ketchup, theo?" I ask my cousin. He grabs the ketchup bottle and puts ketchup on my fries for me. "Thanks, bub" I smile at him and eat my French fries.

I look outside the window and see Betty and veronica walking towards pop's.

"Here comes the iconic B and V" I sigh. "Boobs & vigina?" Eli looks confused.

Reggie choked on his drink.

"No my friends betty and Veronica" I shake my head and the two girls walk in. "Wow the one with the dark hair is hot" theo turns around and smirks. "She has a boyfriend" reggie warns him. "Not for long" he turns around and faces me and reggie.

"Hey guys and twins?" Betty looks at theo and eli with a curious look. "Hey betty and Veronica, these are my cousins eli and theo" they nod at betty and Veronica. "Are you two going to riverdale high?" Veronica gives them a smile. "Yup" they both say at the same time.

"Well then I'll see you two there then, toodles" Veronica waves and betty walks away.

"She's hot" theo says which makes all of us laugh.

"Shut up she could've heard you" reggie giggles.


Narrators POV

Sweet pea had offered his place to the twins because he had extra space and the twins didn't have a place to stay. On the other hand sammy was gonna stay the night with reggie because cheryl was still mad at her about her telling reggie to 'come over'.

"So you're telling me that you never had a cigarette before?" Sammy questions the mantle boy. "Nope" he pops the 'p'. "Are you willing to try it?" Sammy gives him a cheeky smile. "Do you have any on you?" He raises his eyebrow. "Of course I do, now here" sammy takes out her pack of cigarettes and hands reggie a cigarette.

"Do I look badass yet?" He says sarcastically as he held the cigarette.

"Definitely" she smiles at him. She lights his cigarette for him and then she lights her cigarette.

"It isn't that bad" reggie blows the smoke. "It never is" sammy looks up at the dark sky. All the stars were out, shining down to the earth.

"It's so beautiful" reggie looks up and looks at the stars with sam. "But not as beautiful as you" he looks at sammy who was still looking up.

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