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Narrators POV

Today was the big day for the Bulldogs. It was game day. Everyone was excited for the game and everyone was going...except for sammy.

"No way I'm going to that stupid game" sammy groans. "But you have to, everyone is going" Veronica trys to change her mind. "No way JO-SE" sammy rolls her eyes. "There's going to be a party after at reggie's house" Veronica reminds sammy. "I'll go to the party but not the game" sammy leans against the wall. "Just do it for me please?" Veronica pouts.

"No! Do you want me to say it in Spanish? Nó!" Sammy squints her eyes. The bell rang and the two girls split apart. Sammy was heading towards the gym but was stopped by the serpent with the nice hair aka sweet pea.

"Can I help you?" Sammy crosses her arms. "You going to the game?" He raises his eyebrows. "No, you?" She shakes her head. "I'm going and so are you" he points at sammy who looks upset.

"And why am I going?" She rolls her eyes. "Because your little boyfriend over there is playing and you don't wanna disappoint him" sweet pea looks behind sammy and sammy turns around to see reggie staring at the two serpents.

"He's not my boyfriend but I'll think about it"


Sammy's POV

"And this is why you should always use protection!" The gym teacher yells at us. He was talking to us about 'safe sex'. Reminds me of how me and sweet pea used to forget about condoms, which now that I think of it funny.

"Now everyone line up and get some rubbers" he pulls out a box of condoms and I try so hard not to laugh but i end up laughing at his actions. "Is there something wrong Ms. Santiago?" Coach says seriously. "Just the fact that you think these condoms won't bust open during sex" I chuckle and kids in the gym started to laugh.

"That's it! Drop and give me 50!" He yells. "Hell no" I shake my head. "Fuck this I'm out" I walk towards the exits and push open the doors.

"You can do better then that sam" I hear a familiar voice tell me. "Says who?" I turn around and see reggie who had a disappointed look on his face. "Come on Sam don't be like that" he shakes his head. "What do you mean?" I smirk. "I'm being an angel, not bothering anyone" I say sarcastically. "This is not funny sam, you have to behave" he doesn't laugh at my remark and stays serious.

"Why should I? I don't care and no one else does either!" I raise my voice at him. "Because I care sam!" He yells at me. "I care about your safety, how you do at school, and your health" he lowers his voice. "Yea right" I push past him and walk to the girls bathroom.

No way he cares about me. He's just saying that.

I feel bad though. I let him down and I feel bad. The look on his face made things worse.

Just shut up Sam he doesn't care about you and he never will!

I have do something nice for him so he can forgive me or something. Maybe I should go to his game and support him even if he wins or loses the game.

What is wrong with you!?

Just make reggie happy and everything will be okay.


"For sure I'm going to go deaf after this game" I tell Kevin as we find a seat to sit down on the bleachers. "Calm down its not that bad" he sits down and I sit with him. "Look at us supporting our boyfriends" he smiles and drinks from his cola.

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