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Sammy's POV

"So I'll help grab the bags of money along with the twins while you and cody do whatever you guys do?" I said it like a question. "Exactly, glad we're on the same page" my sister smiles and grabs the keys to her car. "And when is all this taking place?" I tap my fingers on my phone case.


"Okay, I'll see you then" I nod and get on my phone. I hear the door close when she leaves. I was looking through my social media and came across a picture of me and reggie at one of his game's. He had his arm wrapped around me and had a huge smile on his face. He caption it 'my lover' with a ring emoji.

I miss him.

Lately, I've been avoiding him and some of my friends because I've been with my siblings and cousins doing stuff for the cartel like getting revenge or trading stuff like drugs,whores,etc.

"So is that the boy who stole your heart or what?" I hear a voice say from behind me. I turn around and see my brother.

"Um yeah" I nod. My brother sits next to me and I know he's going to ask tons of questions.

"Little sis, not to be rude or anything but he looks like a fuckboy" he laughs and I hit his arm. "Leave reggie alone" I say. "Oh so this fuckboy has a name?" He gives me a sarcastic look. "Yes he does and he's not a fuckboy anymore" I roll my eyes. "Anymore?" My brother sounds surprised.

"Apparently you don't know anything about boys sammy. Once a fuckboy always a fuckboy"

"Shut up and I wouldn't be talking if I were you" I say. He stays quiet and glares at me.

"Yeah that's what I thought" I get up and leave.

I didn't have my motorcycle with me sadly so I had to walk. When I was walking through an alley I heard someone yell my name.


I turn around and see chasity walking up to me.

"What do you want, chas?" I sigh. "I just want to talk" she shrugs. "About what?" I ask. "Your hot boyfriend" she winks.

This bitch.

"Try anything on him and I'll kill you" I threat her. "Wow I'm so scared" she pouts. "Totally not scared, sammy. But you should be" she smriks. "Says you bitch" I say. "You know I can steal him from you right?" She asks.

I was about to punch her when someone grabs my arm. I turn around and see that sweet pea what holding me back.

"She's not worth it, sam"

"Fine" I pull my arm back and we both walk away. Chasity was yelling stuff at me and sweet pea but I didn't care and kept walking.

"Don't let her get to you, okay?" He tells me as we walk. "I know it's just that sometimes I need a way to let my anger" I ball up my fist. "I'm a fighter not a lover and you know that, sweet pea" I say. "That needs to change, sam. You can't be like that forever" he shakes his head.


"Kev, can you tie my shoe please?" I ask him. "Anything for the queen" he laughs and bends down to tie my shoe. "You're the best" I laugh and we both start walking down the hall once he finishes tying my shoe.

"So how has things been with moose?" I ask. "Still doesn't want to get out of the closet" he sighs.

Poor kevin.

"He needs to. If he really does care about you then he would do it" I say. "I know but then I see why he hasn't yet" Kevin says. I was about to say something when someone yells my name.

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