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Sammy's POV

I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror. Today I'm supposed to go back to school and I'm worried about a lot of things.

I haven't broken up with reggie like I'm supposed to. My sister and brother are going to reveal themselves to hiram. And archie has been on my mind. I don't like him or anything it's just that I'm worried if he's doing okay on his own.

"You got this" I tell myself. I leave Cheryl's house and head to school. Yes, I still live with her.

"Good morning, sammy" is all I heard as I walked through the halls. I was just trying to look for reggie.

I felt to hands on my waist and my back was pulled into someone's chest.

"Guess who?" The familiar voice asks me. "Sweet pea?" I say sarcastically. I knew it was reggie just by the way he touched me.

"How rude" he turns me around and looks down at me. I smile at him and kiss his soft lips. I really needed that kiss, I've been stressed and I've had a lot of anxiety.

"Woah, we're in public remember?" He pulls back and chuckles. "Sorry, I just needed that" I sigh and pull him into a hug. "Are you okay, baby?" He asks. I smile once he called me 'baby' and became soft for him.

"Hey, mantle and Santiago break it up" I hear a voice say. I turn around and see moose.

"Fight me, moose" I say.

"It's one of the new school rules, sammy. All physical contact must be kept to a minimum" Kevin cuts in. "Well everything and everyone is negative and has been corintined since people have been having seizures" I say. "The RROTC doesn't make the rules, sammy" Kevin says.

"You guys just enforce them, that's all now, leave us alone" I go up to him and say. "Come on babe, let's go" I turn around and grab reggie's hand and we walk away.

"Has anyone ever told you how annoying you are?" Reggie asks me. "No, why?" I say confused. "Good, I didn't feel like fighting anyone today" he chuckles and kisses my cheek.

My heart.

That night

"This place really has grown" I tell Veronica. "All because of my favorite people of course" she looks at me and reggie then josie. "I've never been so proud" reggie smiles at her. "I just realised that your mocktails are even selling" I tell her.

"Business is all it is" she says and smiles.

"I'll be right back" she says and walks away.

"Have I told how good you look tonight?" Reggie puts his hand on the small of my back and it slowly moves to my ass.

"Well you did choose my outfit" I wink at him. "You look so hot" he smirks. I place my hands on his chest and run them down to his belt and mess with it.

"How about we get out of here and have some fun" I suggest. "Can't we're busy tonight and ronnie needs the help" he says. I sigh and pull back from him.

"Then don't start something you can't finish then" I tell him and walk away.

Lately, he's been helping ronnie and has been making me do things for her. We haven't had 'alone' time with each other and I've had enough. Yeah, Veronica is our friend and stuff but I just need to be alone with reggie. So we can have 'us' time instead of 'us' and Veronica.

"Hey you" I see toni and cheryl sitting at their usual table. "Hey sammy" they say in sync.

"Where's reggie?" Toni asks me. "Probably doing something with Veronica" I sit down at the table. "He's still being her slave?" Cheryl asks. "Yes he is" I sigh.

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