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Sammy's POV

"You're so adorable" reggie says softly as he stares at me from across the booth we were sitting at pop's. "I could beat the shit out of you" I drink from my milkshake. "I know" he says in a werid loving way.

"You're so weird" I groan at reggie and smile. "But you love it" he winks at me and eats a French fry. "What do you want to do today?" He asks me.

"Well, I kind of have something planned with the serpents today...." I say. "Oh right, what about after?" He asks. "I'll have to see" I shrug.

"I heard your brother is in town" reggie clears his throat as he says. I choke on the French fry I just ate and drank my milkshake to bring it down.

"You mean Kevin told you?" I ask seriously. "Yes... and are you okay?" He asks me. "I'm fine. No I'm not but I'm fine" I say confused. "Well... can I meet him?" Reggie asks.

"You don't want to meet my brother okay? H-He isn't a good person" I slighted stuttered. "But-" I cut him off. "He's not safe and that's it, alright? This discussion is over" I slight raise my voice.


Narrators POV

"Mad dog?" Cody asks through his phone. "Yes cody, it's me" mad dog says softly through the phone.

"Oh my gosh man, how've you been?" Cody gets excited and gets up from the couch that was in his living room in his small apartment. "I need your help and I have a good friend of mine that could help as well" mad dog says, referring to archie.

"Yeah man, whatever you need"

Sammy's POV

"The drug trade has reared its ugly head in riverdale yet again. Now my dad doesn't think we're ready, but we're going to be riverdale's unofficial DEA. That means we're going to make lifes miserable for the gargoyles. But first we're gonna hit the hotspots, make sure glady's isn't using any of hiram's old infrastructure" jughead explains to us.

"And how does our dear old leader think we can pull that off before her or your dad find out?" Theo asks. "Yeah, and what about mr. Keller too?" Eli adds.

"Can you two shut up?" I ask them. They roll their eyes at me and look at jughead.

"We aren't going to get caught. Not on my watch..."

Mine, eli's and theo's phone each get an text message. I checked to see who it was from and I wasn't surprised it was my brother.

Cody🙄: Mad dog needs our help

Cody🙄: Please sammy. He needs us right now

I left him on read due to my confusion. What did mad dog need?

I looked at the twins and they looked just as confused like me.


"Mad dog has a friend that's gonna help him get out along with other inmates. Supposedly that friend was in jail as well" Cody informs me and my cousins as we sit on his couch. "You mean Archie Andrews?" Eli asks. "I think that's his name... I forgot what mad dog told me. But when he gets out we're going to meet them at pop's" cody tells us.

There's no way I'm talking to archie.

For the past two weeks we haven't spoken a word to each other. We're completely gone M.I.A on each other. Him and reggie get in fights sometimes but some how they make up and become 'friends' again.

"I-I can't make it" I say. "Why not? You always have time for this kind of stuff" cody says.

"I have to go to Cheryl's for a girls night" I lie. "As in blossom?" My brother asks. "Um yeah. And she's having a rough time with her ex toni" I lie again.

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