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Sammy's POV

Its Monday, which means I have to see my 'friends' at school today. I wonder if they know about what happened between me and reggie? I haven't spoken to him and he seems not to try to contact me in any way. I haven't told anyone, except for sweet pea. All we did was make out by the way, nothing else.

Did reggie tell anyone?

I doubt it.

"Almost Christmas brake sammy, just ignore them until then" I tell myself while looking in my mirror. I wore my black Jean's with my white Van's and my sky blue polo shirt. I brushed my hair and after went to school.

I kept my head down and avoided eye contact with everyone.

"Hey you!" Someone taps my shoulder and I look up to see chuck with his big smile.

"Hey chucky" I give him a small smile. "How've you been?" He asks me. "I could be better. What about you?" I ask. "Good" he nods. "Umm I think thats my que to leave" he points at reggie who was walking up to us.

My heart sinks and I clench my jaw. I feel sad and angry at the same time.

"See you later" chuck pats my back and leaves.

"Hey baby" reggie says and trys to kiss me but I turn my head and he only kisses my cheek. "What's wrong?" He places his hands on my waist.

You're wrong.

"Nothing, just tired" I tell him. "Doesn't seem like nothing" he shakes his head 'no'. "Stop bothering me, reggie. Go fuck chasity again or something" I remove his hands from my waist and try to walk away but he pulls me towards him.

"Sam, I-I can explain-n" he stutters.

"Sure you can" I roll my eyes. "Just hear me out" he says. Before he could say anything I walk away and hold back tears.

Is this really happening?

He hurt me when I thought he never would.

People started staring at us.

"Sam please!" He runs to me and turns me around so I can face him.

"I don't wanna hear it, reggie" a tear falls down my cheek and I wipe it away. "Sam please. I'm sorry, I do-" he gets cut off by the twins who yelled at him to get away.

"Stay the fuck away from her" eli yells. "I'm not scared of you" reggie clenches his jaw. "We're pretty sure you're scared of us" theo says then looks at eli.

"You hurt her! And what she did with sweet pea is something you deserve!" Theo yells.

People started to surround us and whisper things to each other.

"Sam please, tell me you didn't do, what I think you did" reggie's eyes get watery and I start to cry.

I can't take this anymore.

I push through the crowd of people and leave the school.

"Sam wait!" I hear someone say. I turn around and see sweet pea.

"Why did you tell them?" I ask. "They're your family. I thought they deserved to know" he shrugs. I glare at him and walk away.

I decided to text my sister so she could pick me up.

Me: pick me up plz

Eliza💜: why?

Me: I'll explain later

Eliza💜: fine

I waited for her to pick me up by the side of the school. I fixed my face and make sure I looked normal. Then I saw her black Nissan.

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