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Hey guys, I am reeeeeeally tired and I have to wake up super early and go to work. So I won't be posting any chapters tonight, however, I will post chapters later on tomorrow, cause it's 11:50PM my time. lol. So, I will post those but I did post a sneek peek to a new story that I will be posting in a couple of weeks that I hope you guys give a chance. I might change Chapter one before posting another chapter for it but not sure yet, might leave it as it is. Either way, I hope you give it a chance and do like it. :) And look out for some more chapters for this story tomorrow or for some of you guys, today, lol, and the other ones I'm working on as well. Love you all! Sweet dreams!! By the way, the new story I posted a sneek peek for you guys is called, The Alpha's Baby and again, I will be posting a picture for it soon. :);)

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