Chapter 1: Shawnee

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Three Years Later :

Giving myself the once over in the full length mirror in my bedroom, I had to admit; I was one bad ass bitch. There was a time when I was self conscious about my Hershey Bar colored skin but now I was completely in love with it.

The pale yellow, Charmeuse Midi dress from Dolce and Gabbana that I had on complimented the hell out of my skin and displayed all of the work I'd been putting in at the gym recently. Banana yellow Christian Louboutin's encompassed my French manicured feet which matched my nails.

Recently, I'd gone and done the "big chop", cutting all of my bra length hair off and going with a cute pixie cut. Regret had instantly consumed me the second I'd heard the scissors snip my hair away and I had nearly fainted when my hairdresser held up my severed ponytail like it was a bundle. By the time she was through with me though, my mouth was hanging open. In a good way. The haircut suited me perfectly, really bringing out my high cheekbones and almond shaped eyes.

As usual I had on just a touch of makeup with my thick heart shaped lips painted nude. Reasonable sized gold hoops with sprinkles of diamonds dangled from my ears, a diamond tennis bracelet hung from my wrist, and a simple gold necklace laid in between the peek of cleavage I was showing.

Holding up my arm, I ripped the tag I'd almost forgotten to remove from my dress and looked myself over one more time. I tossed the $2400 price tag into the garbage pale by my bed then made my way down stairs.

Yep, I'd just dropped about $8000 on this entire outfit, including my lingerie, shoes and jewelry. I had a bad shopping habit, true, but today was a special occasion. My baby daddy was being released from prison and had insisted upon coming here to see our son.

Jerome Johnson, or as the streets called him, Rome, is the father of my five year old son, Jerome Jr but we call him JJ. Even though Rome had been locked up for the past three years, he was still doing his thing out in the streets while trying to stay in control of what happened in this home. One thing I would never deny Rome is his son. I'm not the type of female to play those types of games and I never would be, despite all that Rome and I have been through.

Detectives had been after Rome and his drug empire for years. They'd thought that they had finally had him and honestly we all had too. I'd been sure that JJ had lost his father for life and that Rome would never see our son outside of a visiting room, but a technicality had cleared him of most of his charges except for a few monetary ones. They'd made him serve every last hour of those three years too.

A few weeks before his arrest, I'd caught Rome dipping his dick in some Spanish bitch who worked as one of the front desk clerks at the car dealership that he owned. I'd walked in on the two of them in his office. At the time, I'd been riding for Rome for almost seven years. He was what you might call my "high school sweetheart" though we have always been off and on. Even back then, Rome had a hard time with keep omg his dick in check.

The two of us met back in high school. He had been a junior and I a sophomore. Even back then, Rome used to take me through it, the only difference was he was so messy with covering his tracks that I'd always found out. We'd break up after I caught him but he'd just charm his way back into my good races and the cycle had remained on repeat, until now.

Still to this day, I don't know why I let Rome drag me the way he had. Maybe it was because he was my first everything. He had been the one to take my virginity and crazy thing was, still at the age of 25, I hadn't had sex with any other man.

Anyway, needless to say I had been devastated to walk in on that. It had been my first time actually witnessing Rome step out on me. Sure, I'd had plenty of females contact me in the past over him, and a few of my girlfriends had even caught him up and put me on game, but seeing it was a whole different thing for me.

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