Chapter 2: Rome

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"You know I'll be seeing you again soon, don't you, Johnson?" Warden Grier snarled as he stood in front of my cell.

I smirked at him and said nothing as the rusty bars screeched then opened. Today, I was up out this bitch and that was why his wrinkly white ass was even down here. I was big shit in this prison, in the entire region really, and him along with every other member of law enforcement were heavy in their feelings today.

"Mark my words! I will see you again."

His face was red and spit flew from his mouth and landed on my cheek and ugly ass prison issued shoes, but I didn't even flinch.

Placing my wrist out for them to be handcuffed, my face remained neutral as the CO fastened them so tight that I was sure my wrists would have cuts. My eyes never left Warden Grier's and neither did the smile that was now on my lips. These mother fuckas were just mad that they hadn't really gotten me. I was a free man today and I was willing to wager my life that I would never step foot back in here or any other place like it.

"We'll see about that," I told him.

"Lets go Johnson," the CO barked.

His name was Edwards and he was one of those lame ass niggas who took their job way too damn seriously.

The block was loud as hell as I allowed him to tug me towards the showers. There was some hate but for the most part nothing but love was shown as I made that final walk. I'd made myself and plenty of niggas lots of bread during my three years in here. Everyone else loved me because I fed their habits.

"Still the same, Johnson," Edwards said once we made it to the showers. "Only ten minutes."

He stepped out and stood guard outside after switching on the water. Grabbing the soap I'd requested that was laid out for me, I took advantage of my first and only solo shower since being here. Well, besides when I was originally processed in.

Gucci Envy soap was my shit and I couldn't help but hold the bar up to my nose before lathering up. The shit was a world of difference from the generic shit that I'd had to grow accustomed to.

After washing this place off of my body, I got dressed in the navy blue, three piece Tom Ford suit I had my nigga, Ky, make sure was waiting for me then stepped into my black, Gucci loafers.

Following my shower, I was quickly processed out and the first thing I did was close my eyes and inhale a lungful of the polluted air once I'd stepped out of the gates. Yeah, they gave me about an hour of "free time" every day but there was nothing like being outside of those wired fences while taking a whiff. There was no fuckin way I was ever getting caught up again because coming back to this place wasn't happening. They'd have to kill my ass before all that.

"Aye! Nigga! Fuck you doing? Sniffing the air and shit?" Ky shouted from across the parking lot.

"Fuck you nigga!"

A big ass grin was on my face as I dapped him up then pulled him in for a brotherly hug.

"Man, like I say every time! The fuck they feeding y'all up in there? Steroids?! Swear yo ass got bigger since the last I seen you!"

There wasn't shit else to do in there beside get money and hit up them push-ups. Plus my commissary was unlimited so I'd ate pretty good. I hadn't weighed myself but I knew I'd bulked up a whole lot. I laughed as I ducked inside Ky's black Denali and we pulled away. The second he put it in drive, he sparked a much needed blunt.

"So is everything all set up and ready for me?" I asked Ky as soon as we got on the main road.

"Yup. I got the car you requested chillin at the dealership, fully loaded. Good call on the stop to the shop by the way, cause you in desperate need, my nigga!"

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