Chapter 22 Shawnee

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Ms. Ju Ju smirked at me and it took everything inside of me not to go over there and knock her big ass head back inside that window. Rome had me all the way fucked up if he thought he was bringing our son around his random hoes. We'd never played this type of game before and we weren't about to start now.

"Why the hell am I not surprised?" I growled as I slammed my car door shut. Rome had a dumb look on his face like he'd just realized the bitch was in his car.

"Shawnee," he started but I was already taking off for the house.

"Sha!" Rome jogged to catch up with me and looped an arm around my waist to stop me.

"Don't fuckin touch me!" Snatching out of his grasp, I spun around and faced him.

The second I did, I instantly regretted doing so because there wasn't a damn thing I could do to stop my eyes from welling up and the tears from spilling out. I was mad as hell but I was hurt more so. For the past month I've been longing for this man while he's evidently been good and doing him. I knew what the fuck I'd said during our last conversation and I knew damn well he wasn't going to sit around with a dry dick for long, but I didn't expect to have the shit all up in my face.

"What you do with your time is none of my business, but it becomes my business once you involve our son. I don't want JJ around any of your randoms, Rome."

Rome's eyes were soft and regretful and I hated how weak I was being in front of him. Angrily, I wiped at the tears that were pissing me off even further. This baby had me sensitive as hell.


"Rome!" the bitch interrupted again and Rome looked annoyed as hell.

"Your woman's calling," I snapped before turning back around and busting in the house.

"Shawnee. Are you okay? What's wrong?" Mama Lynette asked as she jumped up from the couch.

"Your son," I told her before addressing JJ. "Put on your shoes. We're leaving."

"Leaving where? I thought I was spending the night with daddy," JJ pouted, not moving from where he was on the floor playing with his toy cars.

"Change of plans. Get your backpack and put your shoes on now, please."

"But mom"-

"I said put your shoes on, JJ!" I shouted way louder than I meant to. JJ's eyes got glassy and I immediately felt bad.

"Please, baby," I said softer, "just put your shoes on for mommy so we can go."

Thankfully, JJ went off to do as he was told just as Rome slipped into the house.

"Rome, what the hell is going on?" Mama Lynette asked with her arms folded.

"Ma, can I get a min with Sha, please?"

"No, you can't," I answered for her. JJ was struggling to tie his shoes and I didn't have time for that, so I crossed the room and quickly tied them for him before scooping up his backpack. I was ready to get the hell out of here.

"Shawnee you look upset. Are you sure you should be driving around with my grand baby like this?" Mama Lynette looked at me in concern. Tears were still finding their way out of my eyes that were most likely red already.

"I'm fine, Mama Lynn." That was the furthest thing from the truth but there was no damn way I was staying here a second longer and neither was JJ. "I promise you. And I will call as soon as I get home."

Without waiting for an answer I started for the door, dragging a disappointed JJ behind me. I don't know why but I expected Rome to follow after us. More pieces chipped away from my heart when he didn't. 

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