Chapter 36 Niecy

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"Come in!" I said in return to the soft knock that sounded at my bedroom door.

I was in the process of getting ready to head to Ky's. It was pretty much an everyday thing for us at this point. Whenever it couldn't happen, usually due to me and my running around with my mom to get ready for school, Ky would be in his feelings over it. There were only two weeks left until I started nursing school and I couldn't be more excited and anxious.

"Hey baby girl," my dad said as he let himself in. "Going somewhere?"

"Uh, Yeah." After I finished applying the rest of my nude matte lipstick, I got up from my vanity and slid on my diamond stud earrings, a graduation present from daddy. "Just out with some friends."

I was glad I hadn't put on my Ky's necklace yet. Beside the obvious dopeboy factor, my dad for real couldn't stand Ky and I still had no clue why. So, I was trying to keep the fact that we were seeing each other on the low until things with Ky got more serious I could figure out a way to present it to my father that wouldn't have him ready to explode.


"I do have other friends besides Ragen , Dad."

"Friends like Kyron?" I almost lost my balance trying to slip into my wedges when he said that.

Stoic and with an unreadable stone face, his eyes locked in on me. His hands were shoved deep in the pockets of his slacks and he slightly rocked back and forth on his heels.

"I-we-we're friends." I didn't know what else to say and I knew I had to probably look panicked because I was. I was not expecting to have this conversation any time soon and had no clue my dad knew anything about me and Ky.

Sliding his hands from his pockets, he crossed the room and took a seat on my bed, patting the spot next to him.

"You are a beautiful and very smart young lady," he continued after I sat down. "Something desired by all men, both good and bad."

I already knew he categorized Ky under the bad.

"You know Niece, when you were born, you changed my life. I had gotten myself together a little thanks to your mama but when she had you." Daddy shook his head and stared off, lost in his thoughts. "That was it. I took one look at you and knew I needed to be around to see you come up in this world.

"Your old man; I wasn't always the person that I am today. I used to do wrong and had my ass in a lot of shit I had no business being in, but it was no place for your mother and definitely not a place for my family, so I had to change those things."

From the tiny bits and pieces my parents chose to reveal, I knew very little about my father's past. All I knew was he used to participate in activity that wasn't legal with Rome's dad. What they did, I could only guess but I was sure it probably had something to do with what Rome and Ky did now, which I had my suspicions about.

"Just like Kyron and his world is no place for you."


"Just listen Laniece. I know you think you know him and can handle what comes with being in his world but you can't and I guarantee that you really don't want to, baby girl.

I know all about men like him, because I was one, baby. He is not what you need. You are a jewel and headed into great things. The only places Kyron is headed is the cemetery or the penitentiary. If it wasn't for Dr. Muhammad, he would already be six feet under now. Let's not forget that his closest friend was just released from prison after serving only three years of what should have been consecutive life sentences. You need to think about these things Niecy."

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